Revision as of 20:39, 12 August 2006 by <bdi></bdi> (talk)
- Housses étanches
- Ewa-marine (pour PowerShot A20: D-AM)
- Aquapac (pour PowerShot A20: compact £20)
- Filtres neutres
- pare-soleil
- Nettoyage: tissus et pinceau
- [Chargeur universel] FC-200 (code 3922) with D3 plate (code 3878) for NB-2LH
- reflecteurs auto
- flash
- grip
- remote (cable)
- gphoto2
- gthumb
- ptpcanon, libptp, ptpcam?
- dcraw, gimp-ufraw, ufraw?
- metacam, exiv2, exif, exiftags, exiftran (better than jpegtran)