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andLinux is a bundle of several pieces enabling a linux distribution to run with its kernel as a Windows service.


Adding a shared drive

Add sth like this to andLinux\settings.txt


And in the /etc/fstab of the Ubuntu:

1 /mnt/d cofs defaults 0 0

Running kgpg

The problem is that once kgpg is iconified, I've no idea where this icon goes and I cannot maximize the window anymore (it's also true for e.g. klipper)
The trick is to use a dcop command to raise the window, you can play with kdcop to experiment
So I added to andLinux\Launcher\menu.txt the following:

Kgpg;kgpg.ico;pgrep kgpg > /dev/null || kgpg;dcop kgpg KeyInterface showKeyManager

The icon was converted from /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/kgpg.png with The Gimp

Windows Explorer integration

In the Windows Explorer there is now on right-click on a file a possibility to open it with Kate.
And right-click on a folder allows it to be opened in Konqueror or Konsole.
To do that it is creating the path file:///mnt/win/... so be sure that /mnt/win points to your data partition.

Starting Xming our own way

By default Xming is started at boot time (cf folder Startup)
If you don't want that and start Xming only when you need it, here is a replacement of andLinux/srvstart.bat

@echo off

rem Do we need to start xming?
set TASKNAME=xming.exe
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq %TASKNAME%"  2> \nul | find /i "%TASKNAME%" > \nul


net start andLinux
goto :EOF


echo Starting XMing...
start /D"C:\Program Files\andLinux" C:\Progra~1\andLinux\Xming\Xming.exe :0 -dpi 85 -ac -clipboard -notrayicon -c -multiwindow -reset -terminate -unixkill -logfile Xming.log

goto :EOF