So after the Arduino workshop at BruCON 2009 (pics here), I was seduced by this little development board.
boards & clones
based on the ATmega168
- Roboduino
based on the Atmega168
- Arduino Decimilia board
- Freeduino V1.16 Board
- HACEduino "2009"
- Fino168 USB Board
- with a DIP switch to disable auto-reset and D13 LED
The Arduino Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328 (Arduino Nano 3.0) or ATmega168 (Arduino Nano 2.x). It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove, but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack, and works with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one
- Arduino Nano
- DFRoduino Nano
- HACEduino 2009 Nano
Note that Nano is also breadboardable...
based on the ATmega1280
54 Digital I/O Pins (of which 14 provide PWM) / 16 Analog Input Pins
- Arduino Mega AVR ATmega1280 USB board
- Arduino official website
- Tutorial with LiquidCrystal library, for Hitachi HD44780 compatible LCDs
Misc links to explore
Arduino and Linux
Main instructions are here
As I'm using a Debian AMD 64bit, here is what I did:
Installing java from Sun and making sure it will be called by the tools. It might be that other java suites are working but at least java-gcj is missing a GtkLookAndFeel component that Arduino GUI is using
So if you don't have it yet:
aptitude install sun-java6-jre
Then if it's not the one by default, change it: (maybe "java" is enough but let's be consistent)
update-alternatives --config java update-alternatives --config jar update-alternatives --config keytool update-alternatives --config orbd update-alternatives --config rmid update-alternatives --config rmiregistry update-alternatives --config serialver
Other dependencies:
aptitude install avr-libc gcc-avr
Arduino tools, here v0017:
wget tar xzf arduino-0017.tgz
Arduino tools are coming only for 32bit but it contains only a few executables so let's install the 64bit version of those executables
aptitude install librxtx-java rm arduino-0017/lib/
There is also the avrdude binary in arduino-0017 which is compiled as 32bit executable.
You can recompile it from the source or if you have the ia32-libs package, the 32bit binary provided will work out-of-the-box.
But in any ways, DON'T USE AVRDUDE FROM YOUR DISTRO! because the one provided with the Arduino tools is a patched version.
Now let's try to launch the script arduino-0017/arduino
Tools/SerialPort/"/dev/ttyUSB0" Tools/Board/"Arduino Diecimila, Duemilanove or Nanoe, w/ Atmega168"
Now trying the very first code:
See this tuto
Problem with the original avrdude
As I told in the previous section, don't use the avrdude coming with your distro. Initially this is what I did and here are the problems I faced:
aptitude install avrdude avrdude-doc cd arduino-0017/hardware/tools mv avrdude avrdude.disabled mv avrdude.conf avrdude.conf.disabled ln -s /usr/bin/avrdude ln -s /etc/avrdude.conf
DON'T USE AVRDUDE FROM YOUR DISTRO! Then when trying to upload the bin to the board (menu -> Upload to I/O board), I got the following message:
Binary sketch size: 896 bytes (of a 14336 byte maximum) avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature. Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override this check.
Then I tried to inject the -F option to avrdude, it flashed the chip, gave me still errors:
Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board in the Tools > Board menu? avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature. avrdude: Expected signature for ATMEGA168 is 1E 94 06
But the code was apparently correctly uploaded to the board as I got my blinking LED...
Avrdude which is part of the arduino-0017 release is a patched version as it says:
Version 5.4-arduino
While the version in Debian Squeeze is:
Version 5.8
So apparently we need absolutely to use the special arduino version.