So after the Arduino workshop at BruCON 2009 (pics here, I was seduced by this little development board.
- Freeduino V1.16 Board, based on Atmel Atmega168, 100% compatible with the Arduino Decimilia board
- Arduino official website
- Arduino notebook v6
Arduino and Linux
Main instructions are here
As I'm using a Debian AMD 64bit, here is what I did:
Installing java from Sun and making sure it will be called by the tools. It might be that other java suites are working but at least java-gcj is missing a GtkLookAndFeel component that Arduino GUI is using
So if you don't have it yet:
aptitude install sun-java6-jre
Then if it's not the one by default, change it: (maybe "java" is enough but let's be consistent)
update-alternatives --config java update-alternatives --config jar update-alternatives --config keytool update-alternatives --config orbd update-alternatives --config rmid update-alternatives --config rmiregistry update-alternatives --config serialver
Other dependencies:
aptitude install avr-libc gcc-avr
Arduino tools, here v0017:
wget tar xzf arduino-0017.tgz
Arduino tools are coming only for 32bit but it contains only a few executables so let's install the 64bit version of those executables
aptitude install librxtx-java rm arduino-0017/lib/{,RXTXcomm.jar} aptitude install avrdude avrdude-doc cd arduino-0017/hardware/tools mv avrdude avrdude.disabled mv avrdude.conf avrdude.conf.disabled ln -s /usr/bin/avrdude ln -s /etc/avrdude.conf
Now let's try to launch the script arduino-0017/arduino
Tools/SerialPort/x Tools/Board/168