Tux Droid
_The_ gadget any linux geek should have ;-)
Moreover it is designed in Belgium, tadaam!
Having kids can help justifying such a, hum, impulsive buy ;-)
- Plugging everything for the first time, and I got immediately a new Alsa device:
cat /proc/asound/cards ... 2 [default ]: USB-Audio - TUX RF DONGLE C2ME BELGIUM TUX RF DONGLE at usb-0000:00:1d.2-1, full speed
And I can already place an Ekiga test call :-)
Note that echo between internal speaker and microphone is very important so echo tests are quite terrible!
Using the OSS emulation, I can play whatever I want:
mpg321 -o oss -a /dev/dsp2 /path/to/some/mp3 mplayer -ao oss:/dev/dsp2 http://www.paul.sladen.org/pronunciation/torvalds-says-linux.mp3
Then I learn that to run the new (alpha2) tuxdaemon I'll also need to flash the stuffed pinguin.
Instructions are given on the web site and are not... straightforward.
Additional notes:
- Be sure to have installed properly libusb and to have mounted /proc/bus/usb, cf /usr/share/doc/libusb-0.1-4
- Recompile dfu-programmer from sources! I first tried alien on the rpm but there were glibc problems
- They explain about tuxup fuxrf.hex and tuxup --main . but I had also to fix the tux rf counterpart: tuxup tuxrf.hex
- At the end, replug the dongle and restart the tux
Remote Control
(from the forum)
Press 'ALT' then 'Tux and phone' and you're in test mode.
The arrows should move tux, if you press a digit key, you change the number of movements. So 4 then up will move the eyes 4 times (2 blinks: close - open -close - open)
- tuxdaemon from svn eats all CPU when running daemonised :-(
- tuxdaemon dies after 2 secs when launched from gtdi
- tuxttsdaemon launched by gtdi eated 100% cpu after a while with tux off
- gtdi source to be modified: add a space between gnome-terminal -e and "the_commands"
- Where to get Acapela Telecom? It's actually available as the tts-daemon
- Volume control?
- How to use audio with native alsa, not OSS /dev/dsp2?
- There are also some blogs you could have missed as they are not mentioned in the site map neither in the menu, only in the top navigator