Revision as of 09:39, 20 February 2007 by <bdi>PhilippeTeuwen</bdi> (talk | contribs)
- PhoneTone
- anciennement référencé par Belle-Rom
- 070/77.88.10
- Heures creuses: 0.0875 euro par minute (lu-ve 19.00 à 8.00, sa/di)
- Heures pleines: 0.1750 euro par minute (lu-ve 8.00 à 19.00)
- Frais de connexion: 0.05 euro par appel
- PhoneBR
- référencé par Belle-Rom
- 070/77.77.27
- PhoneTone
- 070/77.77.77
- Ici ils ne mentionnent que Bucharest pour la Roumanie
cf "Question: How do I tell Skype to use my new alsa default PCM?"
- rates,for example incl.tax:
- Belgium land: 0.020EUR/min
- Belgium mobile: 0.243EUR/min
- Belgium mobile Proximus: 0.164EUR/min
- Romania land: 0.116EUR/min
- Romania mobile: 0.271EUR/min
- Romania Bucharest: 0.092EUR/min
- deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free
- Skype with alsa, arts and full mix with other apps:
- cf Skype forum
- alsamixer settings: mic boost on, capture via mic, capture volume up
- aumix settings: IGain volume up
IAX et VoIPBuster
- http://www.voipfr.org/2005/shortnews20050624.php
- http://kiax.sourceforge.net/
- http://www.voipfr.org/fiches/gnomemeeting.php
- http://www.barbason.be/wiki/index.php/Voip
===OpenWengo by Wengo and neuf telecom
- rates,for example inc.tax:
- Belgium land: 0.013EUR/min
- Belgium mobile: 0.180EUR/min
- Romania land: 0.150EUR/min
- Romania mobile: 0.300EUR/min
- .deb package
- Video
- sip identity: sip:loginwengo@voip.wengo.fr
- sip proxy: sip:proxy1.host.wengo.fr or vipsip.host.wengo.fr
Gizmo and FreeConferenceCall by SIPphone, Inc.
- rates,for example:
- Belgium land: 0.049$/min
- Belgium mobile: 0.256$/min
- Romania land: 0.157$/min
- Romania mobile: 0.380$/min
- .deb packages
(anciennement gnomemeeting)
- .deb packages, follow instructions of Readme.txt
- Video
- SIP et H.323
- sip:500@ekiga.net : audio and video echo test
- sip:501@ekiga.net : conference room
- sip:520@ekiga.net : try it
- sip:530@ekiga.net : talking clock