Upgrading ELECHOUSE Proxmark3 Easy V3 to 512k
The popular Proxmark3 Easy has an at91sam7s256 with only 256k and e.g. it's already about 83% full with the current iceman firmware.
So I decided to attempt an upgrade.
at91sam7s512 is about [15€ on Farnell].
The steps I followed to desolder and solder the new chip are basically the same as seen on this youtube video:
- heating the chip with my desoldering station
- removing the chip with a small suction pen
- putting flux on the pads
- cleaning the pads with desoldering wire
- putting the new chip and soldering some pins to lock it in place (look for aligning the small dot on the correct corner)
- putting flux on the pins
- putting solder on the pins, don't be afraid of bridges...
- removing extra solder with desoldering wire
- checking carefully for residual solder bridges
And voila.
Note that it's maybe easier to solder the new chip not by using flux+solder+iron but solder flux paste and heating with air gun, as shown in this video...
Then wire your JTAG programmer to the board. Mine is a Segger J-Link.
To make it easier, solder a breakable single-row male curved header.
Choose a curved one so you can leave it in place later and still stack the PM3 daughterboard.
Then using Dupont wires male-female, wire it to the JTAG programmer.
For the J-Link, the pinout is:
--------- --------- |1917151311 9 7 5 3 1| |201816141210 8 6 4 2| -------------------- PM3 JLink --- ----- TMS 7 TDI 5 TDO 13 TCK 9 GND 6 3.3 not connected
I didn't connect the 3v3 because J-Link Vref is 5v so I prefered to power the PM3 over USB while reprogramming it.
To use the J-Link on Debian:
$ apt-get install openocd
Create /etc/udev/rules.d/60-jlink.rules with
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1366", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0101", MODE="664", GROUP="plugdev"