Mediawiki RawFile
The idea is to be able to download directly a portion of code as a file.
I've numerous code examples in my wiki and I wast an easy way to download them, easier than a copy/paste!
- It must work with pre, nowiki, js, css, code, source, so let's make it general: take the tag that comes after the parser function we'll create and select data up to the closing tag.
2 parts:
- the parser magic word that will be converted into a "Save it as <filename>"
- an extended action=raw that will strip the raw output to keep the desired code
Do we need a MIME type?
Test: save the following code [{{#rawsnippet:}} as]
echo 'Hello world!'
exit 0
combines in fact 2 elements: the text that will be replaced by the link and the anchor just before the code section.
We can separate both functionalities with:
One such declaration, just before the code section:
One or many such declarations to create the download links:
Example: {{#rawsnippetanchor:}}
echo 'Hello earth!'
exit 0
[{{#rawsnippetlink:}} is available now below the code]
Hook on Raw
- Must extract the right paragraph
- Strip all up to the right
rawsnippet: filename
tag - Find the next tag
- Select up to the closure tag
- Strip all up to the right
- Must provide the filename to the browser
- Tells the browser NOT to cache the raw
The code
Which you can of course download just by following [{{#rawsnippetlink: RawSnippet.php}} this link :-)]
So let's explain a bit the code in a Literate Programming way...
First some hooks for our functions... {{#rawsnippetanchor: RawSnippet.php}}
if (defined('MEDIAWIKI')) {
# Define a setup function
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'efRawSnippet_Setup';
# Add a hook to initialise the magic word
$wgHooks['LanguageGetMagic'][] = 'efRawSnippet_Magic';
# Add a hook to intercept the raw output
$wgHooks['RawPageViewBeforeOutput'][] = 'fnRawSnippet_Strip';
Then the function to strip the code out of the raw wiki page, quite heavy as we've to parse the wiki page ourselves... {{#rawsnippetanchor: RawSnippet.php}}
function fnRawSnippet_Strip(&$rawPage, &$text) {
// if our ext wasn't used, just exit
if (!isset($_GET['rawsnippet']))
return true;
// debug:
if (0) {
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
} else {
header("Expires: 0");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: no-store");
// First: find the right anchor
// We mask nowiki sections
//TODO also mask source, js, css, pre, what else?
//test2 will contain interpretable content, all static content is blanked out
'return ereg_replace(".","X",$matches[0]);'
// We search rawsnippet anchor position
if (preg_match_all('/{{#rawsnippetanchor: +'.$filename.' *}}/i', $maskedtext, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
else if (preg_match_all('/{{#rawsnippet: +'.$filename.' *}}/i', $maskedtext, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
// If the shortcut "rawsnippet" is used, no nuweb, just the first hit is considered
// We didn't find our anchor, let's output all the raw...
// TODO change headers & send error msg
return true;
// free some mem
foreach ($offsets as $offset) {
// Now let's remove the text up to our anchor
$out = substr($textorig, $offset[1]);
// What's the type of tag do we have?
$out = substr($out, strpos($out, '<'));
if (!preg_match('/^<([^> ]+)/', $out, $matches))
// TODO send error, we could not find end of bloc
return true;
$key = $matches[1];
// Let's extract the text up to the closing tag
$begin = strpos($out, '>')+1;
if (ord(substr($out,$begin,1))==10)
if (preg_match_all('/<\/'.$key.'>/', $out, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
$text .= substr($out, $begin, $matches[0][0][1]-$begin);
// TODO send error, we could not find end of bloc
$text .= substr($out, $begin);
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($text));
return true;
//TODO: downloadAs..
That's again part of the hooks... {{#rawsnippetanchor: RawSnippet.php}}
function efRawSnippet_Setup() {
global $wgParser;
# Set a function hook associating the "rawsnippet" magic word with our function
$wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'rawsnippet', 'efRawSnippet_Render' );
$wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'rawsnippetlink', 'efRawSnippet_Render' );
$wgParser->setFunctionHook( 'rawsnippetanchor', 'efRawSnippet_Empty' );
This part as well... {{#rawsnippetanchor: RawSnippet.php}}
function efRawSnippet_Magic( &$magicWords, $langCode ) {
# Add the magic word
# The first array element is case sensitive, in this case it is not case sensitive
# All remaining elements are synonyms for our parser function
$magicWords['rawsnippet'] = array( 0, 'rawsnippet', 'downloadAs' );
$magicWords['rawsnippetlink'] = array( 0, 'rawsnippetlink', 'downloadLink' );
$magicWords['rawsnippetanchor'] = array( 0, 'rawsnippetanchor', 'downloadAnchor' );
# unless we return true, other parser functions extensions will not get loaded.
return true;
The transformation rule to replace link shortcuts to actual links for download {{#rawsnippetanchor: RawSnippet.php}}
function efRawSnippet_Render( &$parser, $filename = '') {
# The parser function itself
# The input parameters are wikitext with templates expanded
# The output should be wikitext too
return '{{fullurl:{{PAGENAME}}|action=raw&rawsnippet='.$filename.'}}';
//TODO+support for other pages
Credits :-) {{#rawsnippetanchor: RawSnippet.php}}
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array('name' => 'RawSnippet',
'version' => '0.1',
'author' => 'Philippe Teuwen',
// 'url' => '',
'url' => '',
'description' => 'Downloads a RAW copy of <nowiki><tag>data</tag></nowiki> in a file<br>'.
'Useful e.g. to download an example code or a patch<br>'.
'It also opens the path to [ Literate Programming]');