Logic Sniffer
I'm talking about this beast
My udev rules
I added a /dev/OpenLogicSniffer symlink by following this page:
#File /etc/udev/rules.d/77-ols.rules #Rules for Openbench Logix Snifferslogic. Creates a nice link to the ols ATTRS{idVendor}=="04d8" ATTRS{idProduct}=="fc92" MODE="0666" SYMLINK+="OpenLogicSniffer"
If you've problems with modem-manager trying to access the device (as seen in /var/log/syslog), you can add the following rule:
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04d8" ATTRS{idProduct}=="fc92" ENV{ID_MM_DEVICE_IGNORE}="1"
Firmware upgrade
I tried this fork: http://www.lxtreme.nl/ols/ which is the official client for this board
and changed a bit the run.sh script to handle it through symlink :
if [ -h $0 ]; then
DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink $0)")
cd "$DIR"
BASEDIR=$(dirname -- "${0}")
- Make sure that the Device is set to "OpenBench Logic Sniffer".
- Click the capture button and type in your OLS port path in the "Analyzer port" field (i.e. /dev/OpenLogicSniffer if you installed it as I did). Leave the other settings at their default value for now and click "Capture".
- Number scheme inside/outside in SUMP client refers to number scheme printed on PCB
- Default: inside: pin0 is at opposite of RESET button, on buffered probe header (up to 5V)
- External clock source in SUMP: through the CKI header (see the 4 holes in the middle of the PCB)
- Limits:
- 5V on buffered probe header / 3.3V on unbuffered wing header
- 200MHz with 2 groups, no noise filter
- 1 group: 24K / 2 groups: 12K / 4 groups: 6K
- RLE (compression): 4 groups only (v2.12) / all (v2.11).
- Trigger before/after ration: samples before/after the trigger
- Problem of never ending if no changes occur
- Better to ground the unused probes of one group to not loose space recording noise
Test on Smartcard <> Terminal communication
Trying to sniff a T=0 communication:
- channel 0: CLK (actually at the sampling rate given below we're largely undersampling the clock which is about 1MHz)
- channel 1: RST
- channel 2: I/O
All signals are low before card is inserted
I/O is high when idle
We sample @ 200kHz and trig on the RST signal
- 3/97
- complex
- Stage1
- Immediately, //
- Mask vv.
- Value v.. (RST down, IO up idle)
- Stage2
- On level1, //
- Mask vv.
- Value vv. (RST up, IO up idle)
- Action: start capture
We have nicely all the ATR in one window
Trying Tools / UART analyzer
- Set Rx on channel 2
- 8E1, invert
=> all got wrong :-(
It seems it cannot understand idle high
I also tried serial trigger but I don't understand how it considers baudrate and of course it doesn't work
- Could we disable/GND unused probes of a group to save space in RLE mode?
- Could we stop properly capture in RLE mode if there is no data anymore?
- Support idle high in UART decoder?