Present python implementation

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what should be working (only tested with 1 or 2 test vectors yet):

  • calculating round keys
    • to have the same results as the reference C implementation, salting the roundkeys should only XOR 5 bits with roundkey when using 128bits key (line 95 in code) but should XOR with no 5bits limit when using 80bits key (line 76 in code). But the standard describes that it should be limited to 5 bits for both key generators...
  • encrypting a block
  • decrypting a block
  • should support rounds up to 65534 (tested with 32, 64, 128 and 65534 rounds)
    • decryption testvectors have errors: the sbox on decryption behaves like the inverse of the p-box... every S-Box value is incorrect in the testvectors.
Round 1
Subkey: 6dab31744f41d700
Text after...
...Key-Xor: 38d2f04c34635345 
.....P-Box: 45ef82118f2845a3 
.....S-Box: 38d2f04c34635345


# fully based on standard specifications:
# test vectors:

class Present:

        def __init__(self,key,rounds=32):
                """Generating roundkeys

                When a Present class initialized, the roundkeys will be generated.
                You can supply the key as a 128bit or 80bit rawstring.
                self.rounds = rounds
                self.key = key.encode('hex')
                if len(self.key) == 80/4:
                        self.roundkeys = generateRoundkeys80(self.key,self.rounds)
                elif len(self.key) == 128/4:
                        self.roundkeys = generateRoundkeys128(self.key,self.rounds)

        def encrypt(self,block):
                """Encrypting 1 block (8 bytes)

                Supply the plaintext block as a raw string and the raw
                ciphertext will be returned.
                state = block.encode('hex')
                for i in range (1,self.rounds):
                        state = addRoundKey(state,self.roundkeys[i-1])
                        state = sBoxLayer(state)
                        state = pLayer(state)
                cipher = addRoundKey(state,self.roundkeys[self.rounds-1])
                return cipher.decode('hex')

        def decrypt(self,block):
                """Decrypting 1 block (8 bytes)

                Supply the ciphertext block as a raw string and the raw
                plaintext will be returned.
                state = block.encode('hex')
                for i in range (1,self.rounds):
                        state = addRoundKey(state,self.roundkeys[self.rounds-i])
                        state = pLayer_dec(state)
                        state = sBoxLayer_dec(state)
                decipher = addRoundKey(state,self.roundkeys[0])
                return decipher.decode('hex')

        def get_block_size(self):
                return 8

#        0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   a   b   c   d   e   f
SBox = ['c','5','6','b','9','0','a','d','3','e','f','8','4','7','1','2']
PBox = [0,16,32,48,1,17,33,49,2,18,34,50,3,19,35,51,

def generateRoundkeys80(key,rounds):
        """Generate the roundkeys for a 80 bit key

        Give a 80bit hex string as input and get a list of roundkeys in return"""
        roundkeys = []
        for i in range(1,rounds+1): # (K0 ... K32)
                # rawKey[0:63]
                roundkeys.append(("%x" % (int(key,16) >>16 )).zfill(64/4))
                #1. Shift
                key = ("%x" % ( ((int(key,16) & (pow(2,19)-1)) << 61) + (int(key,16) >> 19))).zfill(80/4)
                #2. SBox
                #rawKey[76:79] = S(rawKey[76:79])
                key = SBox[int(key[0],16)]+key[1:20]
                #3. Salt
                #rawKey[15:19] ^ i
                temp = (int(key,16) >> 15)
                temp = temp ^ i
                key = ( int(key,16) & (pow(2,15)-1) ) + (temp << 15)
                key = ("%x" % key).zfill(80/4)
        return roundkeys

def generateRoundkeys128(key,rounds):
        """Generate the roundkeys for a 128 bit key

        Give a 128bit hex string as input and get a list of roundkeys in return"""
        roundkeys = []
        for i in range(1,rounds+1): # (K0 ... K32)
                roundkeys.append(("%x" % (int(key,16) >>64)).zfill(64/4))
                #1. Shift
                key = ("%x" % ( ((int(key,16) & (pow(2,67)-1)) << 61) + (int(key,16) >> 67))).zfill(128/4)
                #2. SBox
                key = SBox[int(key[0],16)]+SBox[int(key[1],16)]+key[2:]
                #3. Salt
                #rawKey[15:19] ^ i
                temp = (int(key,16) >> 62)
                temp = temp ^ (i%32)
                key = ( int(key,16) & (pow(2,62)-1) ) + (temp << 62)
                key = ("%x" % key).zfill(128/4)
        return roundkeys

def addRoundKey(state,roundkey):
        return ( "%x" % ( int(state,16) ^ int(roundkey,16) ) ).zfill(16)

def sBoxLayer(state):
        """SBox function for encryption

        Takes a hex string as input and will output a hex string"""
        output =''
        for i in range(len(state)):
                output += SBox[int(state[i],16)]
        return output

def sBoxLayer_dec(state):
        """Inverse SBox function for decryption

        Takes a hex string as input and will output a hex string"""
        output =''
        for i in range(len(state)):
                output += hex( SBox.index(state[i]) )[2:]
        return output

def pLayer(state):
        """Permutation layer for encryption

        Takes a 64bit hex string as input and will output a 64bit hex string"""
        output = ''
        state_bin = bin(int(state,16)).zfill(64)[::-1][0:64]
        for i in range(64):
                output += state_bin[PBox.index(i)]
        return ("%x" % int(output[::-1],2)).zfill(16)

def pLayer_dec(state):
        """Permutation layer for decryption

        Takes a 64bit hex string as input and will output a 64bit hex string"""
        output = ''
        state_bin = bin(int(state,16)).zfill(64)[::-1][0:64]
        for i in range(64):
                output += state_bin[PBox[i]]
        return ("%x" % int(output[::-1],2)).zfill(16)

def bin(a):
        """Convert an integer to a bin string (1 char represents 1 bit)"""
        for c in oct(a).rstrip('L')[1:]:
        return s

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