apt-get install zope python-zmysqldb
On cherche une version de ZMySQLDA qui soit packagée
Le paquet n'existe pour l'instant ni en testing ni en unstable et la version stable dépend de python2.2, nous installons donc manuellement la version experimental
wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/z/zope-mysqlda/zope-mysqlda_2.0.9~b3-3_all.deb dpkg -i zope-mysqlda_2.0.9~b3-3_all.deb
Chercher le nouveau produit
dzhandle list-products|grep -i sql => product ZMySQLDA ZMySQLDA zope-mysqlda 2.0.9~b3-3 /usr/share/zope/Products/ZMySQLDA None
et l'ajoutez à l'instance <myinst>:
dzhandle add-product <myinst> ZMySQLDA /etc/init.d/zope2.9 restart
Commentaires :
creer une nouvelle instance
makeinstance <nom_de_la_nouvelle_instance_zope> --python=/lien/vers/python/
executable sont dans /usr/bin/mysql ou python ou python2.4 ou ..
Les produits zope sont a installer dans /var/lib/zope2.9/instance/<myinst>/Products ou /var/lib/zop../lib/python/Products/
e.g. : FSCounter
cd /var/lib/zope2.9/instance/zope/Products wget http://www.zope.org/Members/bowerymarc/FScounter/default/FSCounter12.tgz tar xvzf FSCounter12.tgz chown -R zope:zope ./FSCounter /etc/init.d/zope2.9 restart
e.g. : Photo
apt-get install zope-photo zope-extfile zope-testcase python-imaging python-imaging-sane python-imaging-doc python-imaging-doc-pdf python-imaging-tk python-imaging imagemagick cd /var/lib/zope2.9/instance/<instance_name>/Products/ wget http://www.zope.org/Members/rbickers/Photo/Photo/Photo-1.2.4.tgz tar xvzf Photo-1.2.4.tgz chown -R zope:zope ./Photo-1.2.4 dzhandle add-product zope Photo
e.g. : PHParser
cd /var/lib/zope2.9/instance/zope/Products wget http://www.zope.org/Members/hewei/PHParser/1.1.5/PHParser-1.1.5.tar.gz tar xvzf PHParser-1.1.5.tar.gz chown -R zope:zope ./PHParser /etc/init.d/zope2.9 restart
To get the country from the visitor on a zope page: First import the database on your MySQL db as <db_name>.csv as descibed here Add a Python Script in zope (e.g. geoip):
from Products.PythonScripts.standard import html_quote request = container.REQUEST RESPONSE = request.RESPONSE ip = context.REQUEST.REMOTE_ADDR line = string.split(ip,'.') ip0 = line[0] ip1 = line[1] ip2 = line[2] ip3 = line[3] ipnum = int(ip0) * 16777216 + int(ip1) * 65536 + int(ip2) * 256 + int(ip3) * 1 print ipnum return printed
Add a Z Mysql Method (e.g. select_GeoIP) with as Arguments ipnum
SELECT cn from <db_name>.csv where start < <dtml-sqlvar ipnum type="string"> and end > <dtml-sqlvar ipnum type="string">
In a DTML Method, test :
<dtml-in expr="select_GeoIPs(ipnum=geoip())">Hoo, you are from <dtml-var cn>, Welcome !</dtml-in>