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==Utilisation de SSH à travers un proxy==
==Utilisation de SSH à travers un proxy==
Récupérez [http://git.yobi.be/?p=ssh-tunnel.git;a=snapshot;h=HEAD;sf=tgz la dernière version du script]
Installez ce script dans par exemple /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl
<br>Installez le script dans par exemple /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl
#! /usr/bin/perl
# ssh-tunnel.pl
# Usage: ssh-tunnel.pl ssl-proxy port destination_host port
# Run it alone to get a list of options
# This script can be used by ssh as a "ProxyCommand" to
# traverse a www-proxy/firewall that supports the http CONNECT
# command described in
# http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/tunneling_ssl.html
# For basic authentication support, see
# http://www.zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC2617/Output/chapter2.html
# "To receive authorization, the client sends the userid and password,
# separated by a single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded
# string in the credentials"
# Ex: echo -n "user:password" |base64-encode -> dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
# Example, connect to host named "remote" outside of your firewall:
# $ ssh remote -o'ProxyCommand ssh-tunnel.pl www-proxy 80 remote 22'
# Better yet, insert the ProxyCommand definition for host "remote" in
# your $HOME/.ssh/config file:
# .
# .
# Host remote
# ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl www-proxy 80 %h %p
# .
# .
# Written by Urban Kaveus <urban@statt.ericsson.se>
# Posted by Urban Kaveus to newsgroup comp.security.ssh on 23 Jan 1997.
# twa>>
# Config file format should be the following (located at ~/.ssh/proxy.conf)
# [option-section]
# debug = 0
# dry = 0
# timeout = 1
# [proxy-section]
# 12.34/16 proxy1:8080
# 56.78.91/24 proxy2:80 user password
# where the first column will be used as filter on the beginning of the
# default gateway IP address, the second is the proxy of the network
# and the last ones (optional) are user/pwd for the proxy.
# To enable autoselection feature, insert the ProxyCommand in ~/.ssh/config
# as following:
# ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - - %h %p
# To enable a different port number for direct connection,
# use a proxy port prefixed by a ':'
# ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - :8123 %h %p
# Revisions:
# - Add automatic proxy detection based on gateway IP Address & config file.
# - Add STDERR logging of proxy connection messages.
# - Acquire gateway instead of current IP address.
# Version 5:
# - Check if destination is reachable before detecting proxy.
# - Add support to a different port number for direct connection.
# Version 6:
# - Add 'use strict' and declare variables.
# - Add subroutine 'reachable'.
# - Select proxy only if reachable. Config file with multiple proxies is
# possible.
# Version 7:
# - Check only the port of service (destport or proxyport) in subroutine
# reachable.
# Version 8:
# - Add debug & dry options/mode and timeout option.
# - Test destination only if a proxy match is found and record the result.
# Version 9:
# - Ignore signal HUP for proper exit of parent and child processes.
# - Add detection of a local destination IP address with update of
# destination port.
# Version 10:
# - Improve subnet specification/selection.
# - Add options section to proxy configuration file.
# Version 11:
# - Add support for basic proxy authentication
# - Add option -f to force usage of the proxy
# twa<<
use strict;
use Socket;
use Getopt::Long;
use MIME::Base64;
# Usage
sub usage {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 ssl-proxy port destination port\n";
print STDERR "Options:\n";
print STDERR " -d, --debug ".
"enable and increment debug level.\n";
print STDERR " -n, --dry ".
"show selection steps, do not connect.\n";
print STDERR " -t, --timeout=TIME ".
"set ping timeout in seconds.\n";
print STDERR " -i, --icmp ".
"enable also ICMP ping (default: tcp only)\n";
print STDERR " -u, --user=USER ".
"enable basic authentication against proxy: user\n";
print STDERR " -p, --pass=PASSWORD ".
"enable basic authentication against proxy: password\n";
print STDERR " -f, --forceproxy ".
"force going through proxy even if directly reachable\n";
# twa>>
# Initialize variables.
my $debug = 0;
my $dry = 0;
my $icmp = 0;
my $timeout = 1;
my $proxyuser = "";
my $proxypass = "";
my $proxyauth = "";
my $authlog = "";
my $forceproxy = 0;
my $logcount = 20;
my $logfile = $ENV{HOME}.'/.ssh/proxy.log';
my $confile = $ENV{HOME}.'/.ssh/proxy.conf';
# Read configuration file, if any, and process option section.
if ( open (my $fh,$confile) ) {
while(<$fh>) {
next if m/^$/ || m/^#/;
last if m/section/i && m/proxy/i;
next unless m/=/;
s/^[ \t]*//;
eval "\$$_";
# Parse command line options, if any.
GetOptions ( "d|debug+" => \$debug,
"n|dry" => \$dry,
"i|icmp" => \$icmp,
"t|timeout=i" => \$timeout,
"u|user=s" => \$proxyuser,
"p|pass=s" => \$proxypass,
"f|forceproxy" => \$forceproxy ) || usage();
# Compute proxy authentication, if required.
$proxyauth = encode_base64($proxyuser.':'.$proxypass) if $proxyuser;
$authlog = " with auth token $proxyauth" if $proxyauth;
# Parse command line arguments
if ( $#ARGV < 3 ) {
print STDERR "Missing arguments\n";
my $sslproxy = shift;
my $proxyport = shift;
my $destination = shift;
my $destport = shift;
# Get gateway IP address.
my $gateway = getgateway() || '';
# Auto-selection enabled: detecting proxy value.
if ( $sslproxy =~ m/^-/ ) {
print STDERR "$gateway: Proxy auto-selection...\n" if $debug;
$sslproxy = 'direct-def'; # Set default in case of no match.
if ( $proxyport =~ m/^:/ ) {
if ( my $hbn = gethostbyname($destination) ) {
my $ipaddr = inet_ntoa(scalar $hbn );
if ( isPrivateNet($ipaddr) ) {
$proxyport =~ s/^://;
print STDERR "Local destination[$ipaddr], ".
"modify dstport to $proxyport\n"
if $debug > 1;
$destport = $proxyport;
# Parse configuration file.
my $try_ping = 1;
open (my $fh,$confile) ||
die "Cannot open file $confile: $!\n";
# Skip section up to proxies.
while(<$fh>) {
next if m/^$/ || m/^#/;
last if m/section/i && m/proxy/i;
# Process proxy section.
while(<$fh>) {
next if m/^$/ || m/^#/;
my @list = split;
# Check if subnet match.
next unless isInNet($gateway,$list[0]);
# Found one match, detecting if proxy is required:
my ($proxy,$port) = split(/:/,$list[1]);
print STDERR "Found a match: $proxy:$port\n" if $debug > 1;
# Check once if directly accessible.
if (! $forceproxy && $try_ping && reachable($destination,$destport)) {
print STDERR "But $destination:$destport seems directly ".
"accessible, let's go direct\n" if $debug > 1;
$sslproxy = 'direct';
} else {
$try_ping = 0;
# Test if proxy is alive/reachable.
next unless reachable($proxy,$port);
print STDERR "And we can ping the proxy, good!\n" if $debug > 1;
$sslproxy = $proxy;
$proxyport = $port;
# Check if proxy authentication is required.
if ($list[2]) {
$proxyuser = $list[2];
$proxypass = $list[3] if $list[3];
$proxyauth = encode_base64($proxyuser.':'.$proxypass);
$authlog = " with auth token $proxyauth";
# Log connections.
tunnel_log("$gateway: PROXY connect to $destination:$destport",
"via $sslproxy:$proxyport".$authlog);
# Auto-selection enabled: direct connection is possible.
if ( $sslproxy =~ m/^direct/ ) {
my $direct = 'DIRECT';
$direct = 'DEFAULT' if $sslproxy =~ m/^direct-def/;
print STDERR "Nothing relevant, let's try direct\n"
if $debug > 1 && $sslproxy =~ m/^direct-def/;
$sslproxy = $destination;
$proxyport = $destport;
# Log connections.
tunnel_log("$gateway: $direct connect to $destination:$destport".$authlog);
print STDERR "Connecting to $sslproxy:$proxyport$authlog\n" if $debug > 1;
exit(0) if $dry;
# twa<<
# Set up network communication
my ($protocol) = (getprotobyname("tcp"))[2];
my ($proxyip) = (gethostbyname($sslproxy))[4];
my $localaddr = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, 0, "\0\0\0\0");
my $proxyaddr = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, $proxyport, $proxyip);
socket (PROXY, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) or
die("Failed to create socket");
bind (PROXY, $localaddr) or
die("Failed to bind socket");
connect (PROXY, $proxyaddr) or
die("Failed to connect to $sslproxy port $proxyport");
# Force flushing of socket buffers
select (PROXY); $| = 1;
select (STDOUT); $| = 1;
#binmode PROXY;
#binmode STDOUT;
#binmode STDIN;
# twa>>
# Direct connection does not require CONNECT command.
if ( $sslproxy ne $destination ) {
# twa<<
# Send a "CONNECT" command to proxy:
my $authstring = "";
$authstring = "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $proxyauth\n" if $proxyauth;
print STDERR "CONNECT $destination:$destport HTTP/1.0\n$authstring\n";
print PROXY "CONNECT $destination:$destport HTTP/1.0\n$authstring\n";
# Wait for HTTP status code, bail out if you don't get back a 2xx code.
$_ = <PROXY>;
print STDERR $_;
my ($status) = (split())[1];
die("Received a bad status code \"$status\" from proxy server")
if ( int($status/100) != 2 );
# Skip through remaining part of MIME header
while(<PROXY>) {
print STDERR $_;
chomp; # Strip <LF>
last if /^[\r]*$/; # Empty line or a single <CR> left
# twa>>
# twa<<
# Start copying packets in both directions.
# twa&pte>>
# Apparently ssh sends a HUP signal before terminating STDIN session.
# Catch and ignore HUP in order for the main process to exit the while
# loop and continue killing the child process.
$SIG{HUP} = 0;
# twa&pte<<
if(my $child = fork) { # Parent process
while (sysread(STDIN,$_,4096)) {
print PROXY;
kill(15,$child) if $child;
else { # Child process
while (sysread(PROXY,$_,4096)) {
print STDOUT;
sub tunnel_log {
# Log connections, keep last 20 connection.
my @lines;
if ( open(my $fh,$logfile) ) {
while(<$fh>) { push @lines, $_; }
while ($#lines > $logcount-2) { shift @lines; }
open(my $fh,">$logfile") || return 0;
while ($lines[0]) { print $fh shift @lines; }
print $fh join(' ',@_,"\n");
return 1;
sub getgateway {
my $routecmd = '/sbin/route -n';
$routecmd = 'route print' if
defined ($ENV{TERM}) &&
$ENV{TERM} =~ m/cygwin/i;
my $str = '^';
$str = '^Default Gateway' if
$routecmd =~ m/print/;
my $result = `$routecmd | grep -i \"$str\"`;
$result =~ s/$str//;
$result =~ s/^[: \t]*//;
$result =~ s/[ \t\n\r]*$//;
my ($gateway) = split(/[ \t]/,$result);
return $gateway;
sub reachable {
use Net::Ping;
my $host = $_[0];
my $port = $_[1];
my $p = Net::Ping->new('tcp');
$p->{port_num} = $port;
print STDERR "Try tcp-ping($host,$port,$timeout)\n" if $debug > 2;
my $reachable = $p->ping($host,$timeout);
return 1 if $reachable;
return 0 unless $icmp;
$p = Net::Ping->new('icmp');
print STDERR "Try icmp-ping($host,$port,$timeout)\n" if $debug > 2;
$reachable = $p->ping($host,$timeout);
return $reachable;
# Expand subnet prefix: 192.168 becomes
sub expandPrefix {
my @list = split(/\./, $_[0].".0.0.0");
$#list = 3;
return join('.', @list);
# Check if the given IP Address is part of the given Subnet.
sub isInNet {
my ($addr,$subnet) = @_;
my ($prefix,$bits) = split(/\//,$subnet);
my $mask = netmask($bits);
my $ipaddr = inet_aton($addr);
$prefix = expandPrefix($prefix);
print STDERR "isInNet($addr,$subnet)\n" if $debug > 2;
print STDERR "isInNet: prefix=$prefix, bits=$bits, ".
"mask=".inet_ntoa($mask)."\n" if $debug > 3;
return (inet_ntoa(($ipaddr & $mask)) eq $prefix);
# Check if given IP Address is a Private Internet Address.
sub isPrivateNet {
my $ipaddr = $_[0];
my @privAddrs = ( "10/8", "172.16/12", "192.168/16", "169.254/16" );
foreach ( @privAddrs ) {
return 1 if isInNet($ipaddr,$_);
return 0;
# Create netmask for a given number of bits.
# Example: netmask(11)= 0xFFE00000
sub netmask {
my $value = 0;
my $bits = 32 - $_[0];
while ($bits--) { $value <<= 1; $value |= 1; }
return inet_aton(~$value);
# ======================================================================
# End Of File: ssh-tunnel.pl
Dans ~/.ssh/config ajouter une section du style:
Dans ~/.ssh/config ajouter une section du style:
Line 497: Line 76:
# Example
# Example
1.2.3/24 myproxy:8080
1.2.3/24 myproxy:8080
# Section: PROXY2 - new format
# Syntax for each line:
# subnet[\w]proxy:port[\w]{options}
# Example
1.2.3/24 myproxy:8080 -C /tmp/clbanner.txt
Le script fonctionne aussi bien sous linux que sous cygwin
Le script fonctionne aussi bien sous linux que sous cygwin
Exemple de bannière à mettre dans /tmp/clbanner.txt:
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.6p1 Debian-5
Si la bannière n'est pas correcte elle sera corrigée automatiquement et au 2ème essai cela marchera.
===Utilisation de SSH à travers un proxy requérant une identification===
===Utilisation de SSH à travers un proxy requérant une identification===
Il faut envoyer en plus la string d'identification au proxy
Il faut envoyer en plus la string d'identification au proxy
Dans proxy.conf il suffit d'ajouter le login et pwd dans une 3ème et 4ème colonne
Dans proxy.conf il suffit d'ajouter le login et pwd dans une 3ème et 4ème colonne
===Having fun with socat, bash & file descriptors...===
This section will show some alternatives to what the Perl script is capable of, just to show interesting capabilities of bash & socat people could not think about:
Could socat send the ssh client banner in advance then eats the real client banner later, as the Perl script can do, to force some stupid proxies to talk to the destination?
Let's re-explain the issue:
* We want to connect to a SSH server through a HTTP proxy
* We've to send a CONNECT command to the proxy and the proxy will reply, we hope, a "Connection established" message.
* The problem is that some proxies will reply ok even before having tried to establish anything. Such a proxy will first wait for the first line of the client then only establish the connection to the server and forward the line to the server. This is logical for HTTP where the first command comes from the client (GET...) but in a SSH session the server is the first to send its banner.
* So we'll send what will be the client banner to provoke the proxy to connect the server and get its banner. Once the client will get the server banner it'll start speaking, sending its own banner, which we've to intercept otherwise the server will get twice the client banner.
Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/socat -%%SYSTEM:"(echo -n -e 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n'; \
read -n 32;exec cat)" TCP:%h:%p
Little explanation:
* We use SYSTEM rather than EXEC because we've to execute some bash scripting. EXEC expects a single command so you'd have to do sth like EXEC:"bash -c '(echo ...'"
* socat has to modify only the client-to-server channel, therefore the "-%SYSTEM" construction.
* % is repeated because it's a metachar of Proxycommand we've to escape.
* The bash operations are performing what we explained before on the client-to-server channel: sending the banner, eating the banner from the client, then forwarding the communication from that point.
* The client banner is here hardcoded, not the best solution...
* "exec cat" replaces the current bash script by the last command, cat, to have one less process.
Now let's take the connection to the proxy into account, using the native capabilities of socat:
Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/socat -%%SYSTEM:"(echo -n -e 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n'; \
read -n 32;exec cat)" PROXY:%h:%p|TCP:my.proxy:8080
Now can we get rid of socat? Using only bash?? Yes!
Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/my.proxy/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3 ; \
read -n 39 <&3;(exec cat <&3 &); echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n" >&3; read -n 32;exec cat >&3'
* Note that I'm using a /usr/local/bin/bash, a recompiled version of bash because Debian disabled this nice capability of bash. For safety they say... did they even notice gawk is also capable of TCP?? Anyway this choice doesn't have proper rationale than "shut up, we know what's good for you". Thanks Debian...
* read -n 39 is there to eat the reply of the proxy, could be different on yours...
* At the end 3 processes will run: ssh and two "cat", one being in background. The problem is that that last one won't be killed at the end of the session.
How to replace the two "cat" to maintain the bidirectional communication?
Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/my.proxy/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; \
read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 32; \
exec /usr/local/bin/socat - FD:3'
Back with socat, here used just to maintain the forwarding between stdin/stdout and file descriptor 3.
* If you compare it with the two cat solution, note that forwarding from server to client was done before as the client will send its banner only once it gets something from the server. To achieve the same we introduced the "head -c 50" to forward part of the server-to-client communication before eating the client banner.
* "head -c 50": the number 50 is not that important, it has to be bigger than the server banner (usually between 20 and 35 chars) and smaller than the first server packet (about 800 chars)
Hum ok but didn't we want to get rid of socat? (a reason could be that under Windows/cygwin socat is considered as "undesirable" by McAfee, no comment :-( )
Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/my.proxy/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; \
read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 32;\
exec multitee 0:3 3:1'
Multitee (source [http://cr.yp.to/software/multitee-3.0.shar.gz here], also packaged in Debian) can do exactly what socat was doing: "socat - FD:3" == "multitee 0:3 3:1".
<br>To compile multitee on Cygwin, see [[Cygwin-multitee|here]]
==Using SSH as a proxy==
ssh -D 1234
Or using putty, add a dynamic port forwarding (specify local port and no dest)
This simply enables ssh as a SOCKS v5 proxy.
<br>Points your browser to the localhost:1234 socks proxy and enjoy!
Note that by default Firefox still does the DNS queries locally and this could either fail or discard sensitive informations so you can change this behavior (ff v1.5 or 2.0 at least) by changing the following in about:config
Et apt-get install dante-client si on veut utiliser socksify pour permettre à des programmes ne connaissant pas les proxys socks de fonctionner malgré tout.
==Utilisation d'autres services à travers un proxy requérant une identification (vieux!!)==
==Utilisation d'autres services à travers un proxy requérant une identification (vieux!!)==
Installez ce script dans par exemple /usr/local/bin/tunnel-auth.pl
Installez ce script dans par exemple /usr/local/bin/tunnel-auth.pl
#! /usr/bin/perl
<source lang=perl>
#! /usr/bin/perl
# tunnel-auth.pl
# tunnel-auth.pl
# Usage: tunnel-auth.pl ssl-proxy port destination_host port localport AuthToken
# Usage: tunnel-auth.pl ssl-proxy port destination_host port localport AuthToken
# This script can be used for any program to connect to any port via localhost
# This script can be used for any program to connect to any port via localhost
# It traverses a www-proxy/firewall that supports the http CONNECT
# It traverses a www-proxy/firewall that supports the http CONNECT
# command described in
# command described in
# http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/tunneling_ssl.html
# & http://muffin.doit.org/doc/rfc/tunneling_ssl.html
# http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/tunneling_ssl.html
# & http://muffin.doit.org/doc/rfc/tunneling_ssl.html
# The AuthToken: cf http://www.zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC2617/Output/chapter2.html
# The AuthToken: cf http://www.zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC2617/Output/chapter2.html
# "To receive authorization, the client sends the userid and password, separated by a
# "To receive authorization, the client sends the userid and password, separated by a
# single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded string in the credentials"
# single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded string in the credentials"
# Ex: echo -n "user:password" |base64-encode -> dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
# Ex: echo -n "user:password" |base64-encode -> dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
# Example, connect to host named "remote" outside of your firewall:
# Example, connect to host named "remote" outside of your firewall:
# $ tunnel-auth.pl www-proxy 80 remote dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=='
# $ tunnel-auth.pl www-proxy 80 remote dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=='
# Then use localhost:2222 to connect remote:22!
# Then use localhost:2222 to connect remote:22!
# Comment all PRINT STDOUT if you don't want a dump.
# Comment all PRINT STDOUT if you don't want a dump.
# Written by Urban Kaveus <urban@statt.ericsson.se>
# Posted by Urban Kaveus to newsgroup comp.security.ssh on 23 Jan 1997.
# Written by Urban Kaveus <urban@statt.ericsson.se>
# Posted by Urban Kaveus to newsgroup comp.security.ssh on 23 Jan 1997.
# Addition of base64 Authentication by Doegox <phil@teuwen.org>
# Addition of local server for other services than SSH by Doegox <phil@teuwen.org>
# Addition of base64 Authentication by Doegox <phil@teuwen.org>
# Addition of local server for other services than SSH by Doegox <phil@teuwen.org>
#require 'sys/socket.ph';
#require 'sys/socket.ph';
use Socket;
use Socket;
# Parse command line arguments
# Parse command line arguments
if ( $#ARGV != 5 ) {
if ( $#ARGV != 5 ) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 ssl-proxy port destination port localport AuthToken\n";
print STDERR "Usage: $0 ssl-proxy port destination port localport AuthToken\n";
$sslproxy = shift;
$proxyport = shift;
$sslproxy = shift;
$destination = shift;
$proxyport = shift;
$destport = shift;
$destination = shift;
$localport = shift;
$destport = shift;
$authtoken = shift;
$localport = shift;
$authtoken = shift;
print STDOUT "\nProxy: $sslproxy:$proxyport\nDest: $destination:$destport\nLocalPort: $localport\n";
print STDOUT "\nProxy: $sslproxy:$proxyport\nDest: $destination:$destport\nLocalPort: $localport\n";
# Makes STDOUT "hot" so always flushed:
# Makes STDOUT "hot" so always flushed:
select((select(STDOUT), $|=1)[0]);
select((select(STDOUT), $|=1)[0]);
# Set up network communication
# Set up network communication
($protocol) = (getprotobyname("tcp"))[2];
($proxyip) = (gethostbyname($sslproxy))[4];
($protocol) = (getprotobyname("tcp"))[2];
($proxyip) = (gethostbyname($sslproxy))[4];
$localaddr = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, 0, "\0\0\0\0");
$proxyaddr = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, $proxyport, $proxyip);
$localaddr = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, 0, "\0\0\0\0");
$proxyaddr = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, $proxyport, $proxyip);
# Set up client socket
# Set up client socket
socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) or
socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) or
die("Failed to create socket for client connexion");
die("Failed to create socket for client connexion");
setsockopt(Server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt: $!";
setsockopt(Server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt: $!";
bind(Server, sockaddr_in($localport, INADDR_ANY)) or
bind(Server, sockaddr_in($localport, INADDR_ANY)) or
die("Failed to bind socket for client connexion");
die("Failed to bind socket for client connexion");
listen(Server,SOMAXCONN) or
listen(Server,SOMAXCONN) or
die("Failed to listen for client connexion");
die("Failed to listen for client connexion");
my $paddr;
my $paddr;
$paddr = accept(Client,Server);
$paddr = accept(Client,Server);
my($localport,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
my($localport,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
# Force flushing of socket buffers
# Force flushing of socket buffers
select (Client); $| = 1;
print STDOUT "Client connected to $name\n";
select (Client); $| = 1;
print STDOUT "Client connected to $name\n";
# Set up proxy connexion
# Set up proxy connexion
socket (PROXY, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) or
socket (PROXY, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) or
die("Failed to create socket for proxy connexion");
die("Failed to create socket for proxy connexion");
bind (PROXY, $localaddr) or
bind (PROXY, $localaddr) or
die("Failed to bind socket for proxy connexion");
die("Failed to bind socket for proxy connexion");
connect (PROXY, $proxyaddr) or
connect (PROXY, $proxyaddr) or
die("Failed to connect to $sslproxy port $proxyport");
die("Failed to connect to $sslproxy port $proxyport");
# Force flushing of socket buffers
# Force flushing of socket buffers
select (PROXY); $| = 1;
select (PROXY); $| = 1;
# Send a "CONNECT" command to proxy:
# Send a "CONNECT" command to proxy:
print PROXY "CONNECT $destination:$destport HTTP/1.0\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic $authtoken\r\n\r\n";
print PROXY "CONNECT $destination:$destport HTTP/1.0\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic $authtoken\r\n\r\n";
# Wait for HTTP status code, bail out if you don't get back a 2xx code.
# Wait for HTTP status code, bail out if you don't get back a 2xx code.
$_ = <PROXY>;
$_ = <PROXY>;
print STDOUT "Server connected to $destination:$destport\n";
print STDOUT "Reply of server:$_";
print STDOUT "Server connected to $destination:$destport\n";
print STDOUT "Reply of server:$_";
($status) = (split())[1];
($status) = (split())[1];
die("Received a bad status code \"$status\" from proxy server")
if ( int($status/100) != 2 );
die("Received a bad status code \"$status\" from proxy server")
if ( int($status/100) != 2 );
# Skip through remaining part of MIME header
# Skip through remaining part of MIME header
while(<PROXY>) {
while(<PROXY>) {
chomp; # Strip <LF>
chomp; # Strip <LF>
last if /^[\r]*$/; # Empty line or a single <CR> left
last if /^[\r]*$/; # Empty line or a single <CR> left
# Start copying packets in both directions.
# Start copying packets in both directions.
if($child = fork) { # Parent process
if($child = fork) { # Parent process
while (sysread(PROXY,$_,4096)) {
while (sysread(PROXY,$_,4096)) {
print STDOUT "\n\n#<-#$_";
print STDOUT "\n\n#<-#$_";
print Client;
print Client;
sleep 2;
sleep 2;
kill(15,$child) if $child;
kill(15,$child) if $child;
else { # Child process
else { # Child process
while (sysread(Client,$_,4096)) {
while (sysread(Client,$_,4096)) {
print STDOUT "\n\n#->#$_";
print PROXY;
print STDOUT "\n\n#->#$_";
print PROXY;
Pour l'utiliser par exemple pour Jabber:
Pour l'utiliser par exemple pour Jabber:
/usr/local/bin/tunnel-auth.pl <nom du proxy> <port du proxy> <string d'identification>
/usr/local/bin/tunnel-auth.pl <nom du proxy> <port du proxy> <string d'identification>
Line 650: Line 311:
Conjointement à l'utilisation de l'option "ServerAliveInterval 10" dans config cela garantit de redémarrer le tunnel endéans la minute (ServerAliveInterval*ServerAliveCountMax(=3)+sleep).
Conjointement à l'utilisation de l'option "ServerAliveInterval 10" dans config cela garantit de redémarrer le tunnel endéans la minute (ServerAliveInterval*ServerAliveCountMax(=3)+sleep).
<br>Enfin pour générer du traffic ce qui tend à garder la connexion ouverte par le proxy: pour une communication ssh avec terminal, voir le paquet spinner et pour une communication ssh uniquement avec déport de port et sans shell on peut créer qqch comme:
<br>Enfin pour générer du traffic ce qui tend à garder la connexion ouverte par le proxy: pour une communication ssh avec terminal, voir le paquet spinner et pour une communication ssh uniquement avec déport de port et sans shell on peut créer qqch comme:
<source lang=bash>
Line 660: Line 322:
sleep 5
sleep 5
à sauver dans /usr/local/bin/star.sh et l'activer:
à sauver dans /usr/local/bin/star.sh et l'activer:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/star.sh <user>
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/star.sh <user>
Line 682: Line 345:
<br>You can try with e.g. Psi which is capable of connecting through a proxy and to another server/port than the real one.
<br>You can try with e.g. Psi which is capable of connecting through a proxy and to another server/port than the real one.
===Not talking SSL===
===Not talking SSL===
====Server side: simple SSL wrapper====
You can use SSL wrappers to encapsulate the traffic in sth that looks like a real SSL connection (and it is).
You can use SSL wrappers to encapsulate the traffic in sth that looks like a real SSL connection (and it is).
<br>Look at [http://www.stunnel.org/examples/ stunnel, stunnel4] or crywrap
<br>Look at [http://www.stunnel.org/examples/ stunnel, stunnel4] or crywrap
Or use simply socat:
More secure and flexible way:
socat -d -d -lmlocal2 OPENSSL-LISTEN:443,bind=myip,su=nobody,fork,reuseaddr TCP4:
====Client side: simple SSL wrapper====
Port 443
Proxycommand socat - OPENSSL:%h:%p,verify=0
Or using the script above:
Port 443
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - 0 %h %p -e --noproxy
====Server side: using Apache2====
Now you don't have tons of IPs and you want already to run your Apache on port 443, so what?
Now you don't have tons of IPs and you want already to run your Apache on port 443, so what?
Line 708: Line 387:
<br>But anyway it's simply unusable in this stage.
<br>But anyway it's simply unusable in this stage.
Now other people were looking to the same direction and [http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29744 this bugreport], actually a feature request with a [http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=19504 patch], seems to bring exactly what we want!
Visibly other people were looking to the same direction and [http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=29744 this bugreport], actually a feature request with a [http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=19504 patch], seems to bring exactly what we want!
TODO: compile and try!
The patch applied smoothly to the current Debian Etch version
The patch applied smoothly to the current Debian Etch version (2.2.3-3.2)
apt-get build-dep apache2
apt-get build-dep apache2
apt-get install fakeroot
apt-get install fakeroot
Line 727: Line 404:
LoadModule proxy_connect_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_connect_ssl.so
LoadModule proxy_connect_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_connect_ssl.so
And /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_connect_ssl.load pointing to the previous one as usual.
And /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_connect_ssl.load pointing to the previous one as usual.
<br>Don't forget to enable also the main proxy module.
====Client side: using socat====
First test:
First test:
socat - OPENSSL:my.server:443,verify=0
socat - OPENSSL:my.server:443,verify=0
Line 737: Line 415:
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-8
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-8
hehe :-)
hehe :-)
socat cannot cumulate proxy and ssl, but we can cascade stuffs:
socat TCP4-LISTEN:1234 OPENSSL:my.server:443,verify=0 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:4321 PROXY:,proxyport=1234 &
ssh -p 4321
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ff:cb:6d:f1:b8:a8:96:fe:08:1b:53:0f:dc:0f:6c:73.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
====Server side: using Apache2 with authentication====
Next step: proxy authentication
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLEngine on
ProxyRequests on
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile /path/to/htpasswd
Require valid-user
By default AllowCONNECT only accepts 443 and 563 so you probably want to extend it to 22 and the other services you want to reach (VPN?)
====Client side: using socat====
socat TCP4-LISTEN:2222,bind= OPENSSL:my.server:443,verify=0 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:1111,bind= PROXY:,proxyport=2222,proxyauth=user:pass &
ssh -p 1111
And as the goal is to go through an enterprise proxy, it becomes sth similar to:
socat TCP4-LISTEN:3333,bind= PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:2222,bind= OPENSSL:,verify=0 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:1111,bind= PROXY:,proxyport=2222,proxyauth=user:pass &
ssh -p 1111
Using ProxyCommand, the last call to socat and ssh can be combined:
Host test
Hostname another.server
Proxycommand socat - PROXY:,proxyport=2222,proxyauth=user:pass
That's just for a 3 lines test, but now we know we can extend our initial script described at the beginning of this page.
A nice enhancement of socat would be to allow chaining and to allow among others PROXY and OPENSSL to use local file descriptors, e.g. allocated on-the-fly so at the end we could use one single command such as:
socat TCP4-LISTEN:1111,bind= PROXY::another.server:22,proxyauth=user:pass OPENSSL::,verify=0 PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080 &
Or using ssh ProxyCommand:
ProxyCommand socat - PROXY::%h:%p,proxyauth=user:pass OPENSSL::,verify=0 PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080
Or using a nested notation:
ProxyCommand socat - PROXY:(OPENSSL:(PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080):,verify=0):%h:%p,proxyauth=user:pass
Version says ''the lexical analysis tries to handle quotes and parenthesis meaningfully and allows escaping of special characters. If one of the characters ( { [ ' is found, the corresponding closing character - ) } ] ' - is looked for; they may also be nested''
<br>but also in the BUGS section
<br>''Addresses cannot be nested, so a single socat process cannot, e.g., drive ssl over socks.'' but maybe in a future version...
<br>[Update] According to the developer ''I am very aware of the lack of this feature - yes, the bug mentioned in the docu refers to exactly your need. I have already considered and partially implemented different approaches for his, but none got ever near to release. But I still intend to realize this feature, because it would enable astonishing possibilities! Expect it to appear in a few years though...'' so maybe one day... :-)
<br>'''[Update]''' version beta 2.0 supports it \o/
ProxyCommand socat - 'PROXY:%h:%p,proxyauth=user:pass|SSL,verify=0|PROXY:my.server:443,proxyauth=user:pass|TCP:big.brother.proxy:8080'
====Client side: using the perl script====
What socat cannot do, our script can!
ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - 0 %h %p -e -R my.server:443 -U <user> -P <password> --noproxy
==Make your own SOCKS5==
Example: download geo-locked content.
apt-get install youtube-dl
wget https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl
chmod +x youtube-dl
Just ssh to a box in the right area and enable SOCKS5 proxy:
ssh -D 12345 remote_host
Get proxychains
apt-get install proxychains
Edit /etc/proxychains.conf
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000
socks5 12345
It's also possible to redirect DNS through proxy ("proxy_dns") but if you don't need it, it will work smoother without.
Use it, e.g.:
proxychains youtube-dl "Some geo-locked video web page"

Latest revision as of 17:50, 1 May 2015

Comment passer outre un proxy (mal configuré)


L'article Tunneling SSL Through a WWW Proxy dont une copie est visible sur Bypass Proxy reference

Introduction: Cela marche-t-il sur mon proxy?

La première chose à faire est de voir si vous pouvez passer manuellement à travers votre proxy.
Après, on verra comment "automatiser" et crypter la méthode si ça marche (qqs scripts faits pour vous attendent)
Lorsque Mozilla se connecte à un serveur https à travers un proxy, il fait exactement la même chose que ce que nous allons utiliser: il emploie une commande CONNECT cf l'article donné comme background pour une description + complète.

telnet <proxy-server> <port du proxy>

puis (attention, frappe à l'aveugle...)

CONNECT www.bxlug.be:80 HTTP/1.0
1 return ou +

puis si ca marche le proxy renverra une chaîne style

HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
Proxy-Agent: firewall wwwd

et là vous accédez de facon normale au service, exemple ici:

GET / HTTP/1.0
1 return ou +

Et vous pouvez tester ainsi le service que vous désirez, par exemple:

CONNECT www.teuwen.org:22 HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established
Proxy-Agent: firewall wwwd
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.4p1 Debian 1:3.4p1-1

Vous pouvez aussi recevoir un truc style

HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy-Auth
Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm=proxy
Server: CSM Proxy Server

si vous devez vous identifier à votre proxy.
Dans ce cas, un truc qui fonctionne parfois est de d'abord sortir sur le Net avec votre browser IE qui s'identifiera façon NT si le proxy est M$.
Le proxy vous reconnaîtra alors par après pour qqs temps.
Sinon, vous devez inclure une string d'identification avec la commande CONNECT mais c'est déjà plus complexe.
A la main, à part l'auth basique en base64, je ne vois pas trop, les autres sont un peu trop complexes pour se faire manuellement.

CONNECT host:port HTTP/1.0
Proxy-Authorization: basic dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==

Où la string dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== a été obtenue par

echo -n "user:password" |base64-encode
(package mime-codecs dans la Debian, d'autres utils existent aussi)

Si le proxy est bien configuré il ne devrait pas vous laisser passer sur n'importe quel port comme je le fais mais uniquement sur les ports pour les services sous TLS/SSL: https:443 imaps:993 ...
Dans ce cas vous devrez mettre votre ssh par exemple sur un tel port.
PS: Vous pouvez employer netcat au lieu de telnet, vous verrez ce que vous taperez, ca peut aider...
Bon hack!

Utilisation de SSH à travers un proxy

Récupérez la dernière version du script
Installez le script dans par exemple /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl

Dans ~/.ssh/config ajouter une section du style:

 Host hal
   HostName www.teuwen.org
   ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl <nom du proxy> <port du proxy> %h %p

ou pour activer la détection automatique, en bas du ficher config:

 Host *
   ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - - %h %p

avec un fichier ~/.ssh/proxy.conf style

# SSH Tunnel configuration file.

# Section: OPTIONS
debug   = 0
dry     = 0
timeout = 1

# Section: PROXY

# Example
1.2.3/24   myproxy:8080
# Section: PROXY2 - new format
# Syntax for each line:
# subnet[\w]proxy:port[\w]{options}
# Example
1.2.3/24   myproxy:8080 -C /tmp/clbanner.txt

Le script fonctionne aussi bien sous linux que sous cygwin

Exemple de bannière à mettre dans /tmp/clbanner.txt:

SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.6p1 Debian-5

Si la bannière n'est pas correcte elle sera corrigée automatiquement et au 2ème essai cela marchera.

Utilisation de SSH à travers un proxy requérant une identification

Il faut envoyer en plus la string d'identification au proxy Dans proxy.conf il suffit d'ajouter le login et pwd dans une 3ème et 4ème colonne

Having fun with socat, bash & file descriptors...

This section will show some alternatives to what the Perl script is capable of, just to show interesting capabilities of bash & socat people could not think about:

Could socat send the ssh client banner in advance then eats the real client banner later, as the Perl script can do, to force some stupid proxies to talk to the destination?

Let's re-explain the issue:

  • We want to connect to a SSH server through a HTTP proxy
  • We've to send a CONNECT command to the proxy and the proxy will reply, we hope, a "Connection established" message.
  • The problem is that some proxies will reply ok even before having tried to establish anything. Such a proxy will first wait for the first line of the client then only establish the connection to the server and forward the line to the server. This is logical for HTTP where the first command comes from the client (GET...) but in a SSH session the server is the first to send its banner.
  • So we'll send what will be the client banner to provoke the proxy to connect the server and get its banner. Once the client will get the server banner it'll start speaking, sending its own banner, which we've to intercept otherwise the server will get twice the client banner.
 Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/socat -%%SYSTEM:"(echo -n -e 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n'; \
   read -n 32;exec cat)" TCP:%h:%p

Little explanation:

  • We use SYSTEM rather than EXEC because we've to execute some bash scripting. EXEC expects a single command so you'd have to do sth like EXEC:"bash -c '(echo ...'"
  • socat has to modify only the client-to-server channel, therefore the "-%SYSTEM" construction.
  • % is repeated because it's a metachar of Proxycommand we've to escape.
  • The bash operations are performing what we explained before on the client-to-server channel: sending the banner, eating the banner from the client, then forwarding the communication from that point.
  • The client banner is here hardcoded, not the best solution...
  • "exec cat" replaces the current bash script by the last command, cat, to have one less process.

Now let's take the connection to the proxy into account, using the native capabilities of socat:

 Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/socat -%%SYSTEM:"(echo -n -e 'SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n'; \
   read -n 32;exec cat)" PROXY:%h:%p|TCP:my.proxy:8080

Now can we get rid of socat? Using only bash?? Yes!

 Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/my.proxy/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3 ; \
   read -n 39 <&3;(exec cat <&3 &); echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n" >&3; read -n 32;exec cat >&3'
  • Note that I'm using a /usr/local/bin/bash, a recompiled version of bash because Debian disabled this nice capability of bash. For safety they say... did they even notice gawk is also capable of TCP?? Anyway this choice doesn't have proper rationale than "shut up, we know what's good for you". Thanks Debian...
  • read -n 39 is there to eat the reply of the proxy, could be different on yours...
  • At the end 3 processes will run: ssh and two "cat", one being in background. The problem is that that last one won't be killed at the end of the session.

How to replace the two "cat" to maintain the bidirectional communication?

 Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/my.proxy/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; \
   read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 32; \
   exec /usr/local/bin/socat - FD:3'

Back with socat, here used just to maintain the forwarding between stdin/stdout and file descriptor 3.

  • If you compare it with the two cat solution, note that forwarding from server to client was done before as the client will send its banner only once it gets something from the server. To achieve the same we introduced the "head -c 50" to forward part of the server-to-client communication before eating the client banner.
  • "head -c 50": the number 50 is not that important, it has to be bigger than the server banner (usually between 20 and 35 chars) and smaller than the first server packet (about 800 chars)

Hum ok but didn't we want to get rid of socat? (a reason could be that under Windows/cygwin socat is considered as "undesirable" by McAfee, no comment :-( )

 Proxycommand /usr/local/bin/bash -c 'exec 3<>/dev/tcp/my.proxy/8080;echo -n -e "CONNECT %h:%p HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" >&3; \
   read -n 39 <&3; echo -n -e "SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-3\r\n" >&3; head -c 50 <&3; read -n 32;\
   exec multitee 0:3 3:1'

Multitee (source here, also packaged in Debian) can do exactly what socat was doing: "socat - FD:3" == "multitee 0:3 3:1".
To compile multitee on Cygwin, see here

Using SSH as a proxy

ssh -D 1234

Or using putty, add a dynamic port forwarding (specify local port and no dest)

This simply enables ssh as a SOCKS v5 proxy.
Points your browser to the localhost:1234 socks proxy and enjoy!

Note that by default Firefox still does the DNS queries locally and this could either fail or discard sensitive informations so you can change this behavior (ff v1.5 or 2.0 at least) by changing the following in about:config


Et apt-get install dante-client si on veut utiliser socksify pour permettre à des programmes ne connaissant pas les proxys socks de fonctionner malgré tout.

Utilisation d'autres services à travers un proxy requérant une identification (vieux!!)

Installez ce script dans par exemple /usr/local/bin/tunnel-auth.pl

#! /usr/bin/perl
# tunnel-auth.pl
# Usage: tunnel-auth.pl ssl-proxy port destination_host port localport AuthToken
# This script can be used for any program to connect to any port via localhost
# It traverses a www-proxy/firewall that supports the http CONNECT
# command described in
# http://home.netscape.com/newsref/std/tunneling_ssl.html
# & http://muffin.doit.org/doc/rfc/tunneling_ssl.html
# The AuthToken: cf http://www.zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC2617/Output/chapter2.html
# "To receive authorization, the client sends the userid and password, separated by a
# single colon (":") character, within a base64 encoded string in the credentials"
# Ex:  echo -n "user:password" |base64-encode -> dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA==
# Example, connect to host named "remote" outside of your firewall:
# $ tunnel-auth.pl www-proxy 80 remote dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA=='
# Then use localhost:2222 to connect remote:22!
# Comment all PRINT STDOUT if you don't want a dump.
# Written by Urban Kaveus <urban@statt.ericsson.se>
# Posted by Urban Kaveus to newsgroup comp.security.ssh on 23 Jan 1997.
# Addition of base64 Authentication by Doegox <phil@teuwen.org>
# Addition of local server for other services than SSH by Doegox <phil@teuwen.org>

#require 'sys/socket.ph';
use Socket;
# Parse command line arguments

if ( $#ARGV != 5 ) {
    print STDERR "Usage: $0 ssl-proxy port destination port localport AuthToken\n";

$sslproxy    = shift;
$proxyport   = shift;
$destination = shift;
$destport    = shift;
$localport   = shift;
$authtoken   = shift;

print STDOUT "\nProxy: $sslproxy:$proxyport\nDest:  $destination:$destport\nLocalPort: $localport\n";

# Makes STDOUT "hot" so always flushed:
select((select(STDOUT), $|=1)[0]);

# Set up network communication

($protocol) = (getprotobyname("tcp"))[2];
($proxyip)  = (gethostbyname($sslproxy))[4];
$localaddr  = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, 0, "\0\0\0\0");
$proxyaddr  = pack('S n a4 x8', &AF_INET, $proxyport, $proxyip);

# Set up client socket
socket(Server, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) or
    die("Failed to create socket for client connexion");
setsockopt(Server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) || die "setsockopt: $!";
bind(Server, sockaddr_in($localport, INADDR_ANY)) or
    die("Failed to bind socket for client connexion");
listen(Server,SOMAXCONN) or
    die("Failed to listen for client connexion");
my $paddr;
$paddr = accept(Client,Server);
my($localport,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($paddr);
my $name = gethostbyaddr($iaddr,AF_INET);
# Force flushing of socket buffers
select (Client); $| = 1;
print STDOUT "Client connected to $name\n";

# Set up proxy connexion
socket (PROXY, &AF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) or
    die("Failed to create socket for proxy connexion");
bind (PROXY, $localaddr) or
    die("Failed to bind socket for proxy connexion");
connect (PROXY, $proxyaddr) or
    die("Failed to connect to $sslproxy port $proxyport");

# Force flushing of socket buffers
select (PROXY);  $| = 1;

# Send a "CONNECT" command to proxy:

print PROXY "CONNECT $destination:$destport HTTP/1.0\r\nProxy-Authorization: Basic  $authtoken\r\n\r\n";

# Wait for HTTP status code, bail out if you don't get back a 2xx code.

$_ = <PROXY>;
print STDOUT "Server connected to $destination:$destport\n";
print STDOUT "Reply of server:$_";

($status) = (split())[1];

die("Received a bad status code \"$status\" from proxy server")
    if ( int($status/100) != 2 );

# Skip through remaining part of MIME header

while(<PROXY>) {
    chomp;   # Strip <LF>
    last if /^[\r]*$/;		# Empty line or a single <CR> left

# Start copying packets in both directions.

if($child = fork) { # Parent process
    while (sysread(PROXY,$_,4096)) {
		print STDOUT "\n\n#<-#$_";
        print Client;
    sleep 2;
    kill(15,$child) if $child;

else { # Child process
    while (sysread(Client,$_,4096)) {
    	print STDOUT "\n\n#->#$_";
		print PROXY;

Pour l'utiliser par exemple pour Jabber:

/usr/local/bin/tunnel-auth.pl <nom du proxy> <port du proxy> <string d'identification>

Le client peut alors se connecter sur
Par défaut, un dump de la communication apparaîtra dans la console.
Si cela est dérangeant, par exemple si la communication se fait en SSL, rediriger la sortie.

/usr/local/bin/tunnel-auth.pl <nom du proxy> <port du proxy> <string d'identification> >/dev/null

L'adresse de destination doit sans doutes être chiffrée (IP) plutôt que textuelle (Nom de domaine)
Si cela est gênant par ex pour le cas d'un serveur jabber, ajouter la correspondance dans /etc/hosts (ou C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts): jabber.reseaucitoyen.be

et utiliser le nom de domaine réel dans le client plutôt que

Autre solution pour utiliser d'autres services que SSH:
On peut bien entendu se contenter des premiers scripts pour SSH et utiliser SSH pour créer un tunnel vers une machine à l'extérieur:

ssh -L5222:jabber.reseaucitoyen.be:5222 -N user@hal

hal a été configuré dans le ~/.ssh/config, cf plus haut


Il se peut que la communication soit cassée par le proxy de temps à autres
Pour la rendre robuste, on peut utiliser par exemple la commande suivante:

sh -c "while true; do date; ssh <host>; sleep 30; done"

Conjointement à l'utilisation de l'option "ServerAliveInterval 10" dans config cela garantit de redémarrer le tunnel endéans la minute (ServerAliveInterval*ServerAliveCountMax(=3)+sleep).
Enfin pour générer du traffic ce qui tend à garder la connexion ouverte par le proxy: pour une communication ssh avec terminal, voir le paquet spinner et pour une communication ssh uniquement avec déport de port et sans shell on peut créer qqch comme:

 echo -n "Dummy login "
 for ((k=0;k<5;k=(k+1)%4));do
     echo -e -n "${ANSI_XY_SAVE}${STAR:$k:1} ${ANSI_XY_RESTORE}"
     sleep 5

à sauver dans /usr/local/bin/star.sh et l'activer:

chsh -s /usr/local/bin/star.sh <user>

Next step: Through real SSL Proxies

Nowadays the proxies are a bit smarter and don't let you CONNECT to ports, even port 443, if you're not talking SSL.
So for those proxies you have to talk

  • only on port 443, other ports fail
  • or SSL only, SSH or other protocols fail
  • or both: only SSL only on port 443

Talking SSL but not on the right port

Example: jabber server on port 5223, XML over SSL
That's easy providing that you can use port 443 on another server.
You can simply bounce the packets between the clients and the jabber server with some iptables on your server with a free port 443:

IPTABLES -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -d my.free.ip -p tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination jabber.server.ip:5223
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -d jabber.server.ip -p tcp --dport 5223 -j ACCEPT
IPTABLES -A FORWARD -s jabber.server.ip -p tcp --sport 5223 -j ACCEPT
IPTABLES -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -d jabber.server.ip -p tcp --dport 5223 -j SNAT --to-source my.free.ip

So now the connection appears to be really SSL on the port 443.

Example is my jabber bouncer: jabber-rc.yobi.be port 443 => jabber.reseaucitoyen.be port 5223
You can try with e.g. Psi which is capable of connecting through a proxy and to another server/port than the real one.

Not talking SSL

Server side: simple SSL wrapper

You can use SSL wrappers to encapsulate the traffic in sth that looks like a real SSL connection (and it is).
Look at stunnel, stunnel4 or crywrap

Or use simply socat:


More secure and flexible way:

socat -d -d -lmlocal2 OPENSSL-LISTEN:443,bind=myip,su=nobody,fork,reuseaddr TCP4:

Client side: simple SSL wrapper

 Port 443
 Proxycommand socat - OPENSSL:%h:%p,verify=0

Or using the script above:

 Port 443
 ProxyCommand  /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - 0 %h %p -e --noproxy

Server side: using Apache2

Now you don't have tons of IPs and you want already to run your Apache on port 443, so what?

Here is an interesting script which serves as HTTPS server, GET and POST are served by reverse proxy, the script contacts the local Apache, and CONNECT can be used to connect to e.g. the SSH server you desesperately wanted to reach.

Client -> BigBrotherProxy -> 443:Script -> Apache or SSH!

And if an admin wants to check that IP you're connecting to in SSL, he will get... an SSL Apache ;-)
Of course your client has to be smart enough to be able to do a CONNECT / SSL / CONNECT string before letting e.g. SSH talking to its server.

Ok ok but why not using directly Apache with sth like that?

  SSLEngine on
  ProxyRequests on 
  AllowCONNECT 22
  <Proxy *>  
     Some ACLs, we don't want to be universal proxy!

That would be wonderful but it appears that Apache, as soon as you do a CONNECT, becomes crystal and everything goes through it untouched, so the SSH server gets SSL-encrypted jam and its reply goes untouched to you while you were expecting SSL!
Slight difference between Apache 1.3 and Apache 2 is that the first one sends you its "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established" still in SSL while the second already drops SSL before sending the msg in clear.
But anyway it's simply unusable in this stage.

Visibly other people were looking to the same direction and this bugreport, actually a feature request with a patch, seems to bring exactly what we want!

The patch applied smoothly to the current Debian Etch version (2.2.3-3.2)

apt-get build-dep apache2
apt-get install fakeroot
apt-get source apache2
apply the patch...
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us -rfakeroot

And now the fresh apache2.2-common_2.2.3-3.2_amd64.deb contains our patched /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_connect.so

To avoid problems at further upgrades, I move the new module to a new name:

mod_proxy_connect.so -> /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_connect_ssl.so

And create the corresponding config files:

LoadModule proxy_connect_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_connect_ssl.so 

And /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_connect_ssl.load pointing to the previous one as usual.
Don't forget to enable also the main proxy module.

Client side: using socat

First test:

socat - OPENSSL:my.server:443,verify=0
CONNECT another.server:22 HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.0 200 Connection Established
Proxy-agent: blabla

SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-8

hehe :-)

socat cannot cumulate proxy and ssl, but we can cascade stuffs:

socat TCP4-LISTEN:1234 OPENSSL:my.server:443,verify=0 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:4321 PROXY:,proxyport=1234 &
ssh -p 4321
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is ff:cb:6d:f1:b8:a8:96:fe:08:1b:53:0f:dc:0f:6c:73.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Server side: using Apache2 with authentication

Next step: proxy authentication

<VirtualHost *:443>
  SSLEngine on
  ProxyRequests on
  AllowCONNECT 22
  <Proxy *>
     Order deny,allow
     Allow from all
     AuthType Basic
     AuthName "Password Required"
     AuthUserFile /path/to/htpasswd
     Require valid-user

By default AllowCONNECT only accepts 443 and 563 so you probably want to extend it to 22 and the other services you want to reach (VPN?)

Client side: using socat


socat TCP4-LISTEN:2222,bind= OPENSSL:my.server:443,verify=0 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:1111,bind= PROXY:,proxyport=2222,proxyauth=user:pass &
ssh -p 1111

And as the goal is to go through an enterprise proxy, it becomes sth similar to:

socat TCP4-LISTEN:3333,bind= PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:2222,bind= OPENSSL:,verify=0 &
socat TCP4-LISTEN:1111,bind= PROXY:,proxyport=2222,proxyauth=user:pass &
ssh -p 1111

Using ProxyCommand, the last call to socat and ssh can be combined:

Host test
 Hostname another.server
 Proxycommand socat - PROXY:,proxyport=2222,proxyauth=user:pass

That's just for a 3 lines test, but now we know we can extend our initial script described at the beginning of this page.

A nice enhancement of socat would be to allow chaining and to allow among others PROXY and OPENSSL to use local file descriptors, e.g. allocated on-the-fly so at the end we could use one single command such as:

socat TCP4-LISTEN:1111,bind= PROXY::another.server:22,proxyauth=user:pass OPENSSL::,verify=0 PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080 &

Or using ssh ProxyCommand:

ProxyCommand  socat - PROXY::%h:%p,proxyauth=user:pass OPENSSL::,verify=0 PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080

Or using a nested notation:

ProxyCommand  socat - PROXY:(OPENSSL:(PROXY:big.brother.proxy:my.server:443,proxyport=8080):,verify=0):%h:%p,proxyauth=user:pass

Version says the lexical analysis tries to handle quotes and parenthesis meaningfully and allows escaping of special characters. If one of the characters ( { [ ' is found, the corresponding closing character - ) } ] ' - is looked for; they may also be nested
but also in the BUGS section
Addresses cannot be nested, so a single socat process cannot, e.g., drive ssl over socks. but maybe in a future version...
[Update] According to the developer I am very aware of the lack of this feature - yes, the bug mentioned in the docu refers to exactly your need. I have already considered and partially implemented different approaches for his, but none got ever near to release. But I still intend to realize this feature, because it would enable astonishing possibilities! Expect it to appear in a few years though... so maybe one day... :-)
[Update] version beta 2.0 supports it \o/

ProxyCommand socat - 'PROXY:%h:%p,proxyauth=user:pass|SSL,verify=0|PROXY:my.server:443,proxyauth=user:pass|TCP:big.brother.proxy:8080'

Client side: using the perl script

What socat cannot do, our script can!

ProxyCommand  /usr/local/bin/ssh-tunnel.pl - 0 %h %p -e -R my.server:443 -U <user> -P <password> --noproxy

Make your own SOCKS5

Example: download geo-locked content.


apt-get install youtube-dl


wget https://yt-dl.org/latest/youtube-dl
chmod +x youtube-dl


Just ssh to a box in the right area and enable SOCKS5 proxy:

ssh -D 12345 remote_host

Get proxychains

apt-get install proxychains

Edit /etc/proxychains.conf

tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000
socks5 12345

It's also possible to redirect DNS through proxy ("proxy_dns") but if you don't need it, it will work smoother without.

Use it, e.g.:

proxychains youtube-dl "Some geo-locked video web page"