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Attempt to run it with php5!

First we have to fix the dependencies of webcalendar

apt-get install equivs
equivs webcalendar-equivs

edit webcalendar-equivs.ctl:

Package: webcalendar-equivs
Depends: php5, php5-cli, php5-mysql
Provides: php4, php4-cli, php4-mysql, mysql-client
Architecture: all
Description: Allows to install webcalendar with php5
 Provides php4 and mysql dependancies to satisfy webcalendar

Then we can install this fresh package and webcalendar

dpkg -i webcalendar-equivs_1.0_all.deb
apt-get install webcalendar

I've chosen not to rely on debconf
Create the DB and tables

mysqladmin -p create webcalendar
mysql -p
  GRANT ALL ON webcalendar.* TO webcalendar@private IDENTIFIED BY '<pwd>';
mysql -p webcalendar < webcalendar-tables-mysql.sql (From /usr/share/webcalendar/sql/tables-mysql.sql)
cp /usr/share/webcalendar/tools/settings.conf /etc/webcalendar/settings.conf

Edit settings.conf:

db_type = mysql
db_host = sql
db_login = webcalendar
db_password = <pwd>
db_database = webcalendar
db_persistent = true
single_user = N
use_http_auth = false

Default admin is admin:admin

To setup the reminders, we've to fix some bugs:

cd /usr/share/webcalendar/
ln -s www/includes/
cd /usr/share/webcalendar/tools
ln -s ../www/translations/

Then edit /etc/cron.d/webcalendar

1,6,11,16,21,26,31,36,41,46,51,56 * * * * root cd /usr/share/webcalendar/tools/; php send_reminders.php

Edit settings from the web interface at least to fix the URL (if SSL) and the sender email

I like to be able to add an URL to some of the events, so I edit /etc/webcalendar/site_extras.php and add a sub-array to $site_extras:

array (
    "URL",        // unique name of this extra field (used in db)
    "URL",        // how this field will be described to users
    $EXTRA_URL,   // type of field
    0,            // arg 1
    0             // arg 2

Upgrade from 1.0.15 to 1.2.0+dfsg-2

I got an obscur "query failed" error without any info.

So I tried the install script which is normally there to help you to upgrade your DB.

Edit /usr/share/webcalendar/www/install/index.php

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15" />
chmod 777 /usr/share/webcalendar/www/includes

Go to http://your.website/webcalendar/install/
Choose install password

chmod 755 /usr/share/webcalendar/www/includes
mv /usr/share/webcalendar/www/includes/settings.php /etc/webcalendar
ln -s /etc/webcalendar/settings.php /usr/share/webcalendar/www/includes/settings.php

Connect with newly defined password

For SQL connection the pwd contained a "#" but the new webcalendar install interface tells me it's an invalid char so I had to change the pwd via phpMyAdmin (mysql/user/edit webcalendar user/Password: fct PASSWORD etc/Execute) then on sql server:

/etc/init.d/mysql reload

So now it could log in.
Accept DB update and accept GMT conversion

Then I discovered that on Debian /etc/webcalendar/settings.conf is still the one used so I migrated manually some of the new stuffs from settings.php to settings.conf.

Then I encountered Bug#530842 and found a workaround, see the bugreport.
Maybe the bug is already fixed while you're reading those lines.

Last issue: immediately after the upgrade, I wrote a fake appointment to check notifications and the notification was sent only 5h later.
A day later, all hours of my appointments were shifted back by 5h (so e.g. 3h00 instead of 8h00).
It appears that everything was converted to EDT (NYC time), so I fixed it in my preferences and now everything is ok.