Difference between revisions of "Kali"

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Line 815: Line 815:
* http://www.kali.org/how-to/nuke-kali-linux-luks/
* http://www.kali.org/how-to/nuke-kali-linux-luks/
apt-get install cryptsetup/kali cryptsetup-bin/kali libcryptsetup4/kali
apt-get install cryptsetup/kali cryptsetup-bin/kali libcryptsetup4/kali
If initrd was not rebuilt in the process:
dpkg-reconfigure cryptsetup

Revision as of 17:49, 3 April 2014


To add Kali repositories and pin them, see LMDE#Add_Kali_repositories
All repackaged or new packages made in kali have "kali" in their version number (unless they are in the kali-bleeding-edge)
See also http://docs.kali.org/kali-policy/kali-linux-relationship-with-debian



See http://www.kali.org/news/kali-linux-metapackages/


apt-cache search kali-linux|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
kali-linux-all                 - Kali Linux - all packages
kali-linux-forensic            - Kali Linux forensic tools
kali-linux-full                - Kali Linux complete system
kali-linux-gpu                 - Kali Linux GPU tools
kali-linux-pwtools             - Kali Linux password cracking tools
kali-linux-rfid                - Kali Linux RFID tools
kali-linux-sdr                 - Kali Linux SDR tools
kali-linux-top10               - Kali Linux Top 10 tools
kali-linux-voip                - Kali Linux VoIP tools
kali-linux-web                 - Kali Linux webapp assessment tools
kali-linux-wireless            - Kali Linux wireless tools


apt-cache depends kali-linux-all|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux-forensic            - Kali Linux forensic tools
kali-linux-full                - Kali Linux complete system
kali-linux-gpu                 - Kali Linux GPU tools
kali-linux-pwtools             - Kali Linux password cracking tools
kali-linux-rfid                - Kali Linux RFID tools
kali-linux-sdr                 - Kali Linux SDR tools
kali-linux-top10               - Kali Linux Top 10 tools
kali-linux-voip                - Kali Linux VoIP tools
kali-linux-web                 - Kali Linux webapp assessment tools
kali-linux-wireless            - Kali Linux wireless tools
android-sdk                    - Android software development kit
backdoor-factory               - Patch win32/64 binaries with shellcode
bing-ip2hosts                  - Enumerate hostnames for an IP using bing.com
device-pharmer                 - Search Shodan results and test credentials
doona                          - Network fuzzer forked from bed
freeradius                     - high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server
hackersh                       - Shell-like wrapper of various security tools
htshells                       - Self contained htaccess shells and attacks
ismtp                          - SMTP user enumeration and testing tool
linux-exploit-suggester        - Script to keep track of vulnerabilities and suggest possible exploits
masscan                        - Asynchronous TCP port scanner
sandi                          - Exploit search engine
shellnoob                      - Shellcode writing toolkit
teamsploit                     - Tools for group based penetration testing
veil-evasion                   - Generate payloads that bypass antivirus solutions
veil-catapult                  - Payload delivery tool that integrates with veil-evasion


apt-cache depends kali-linux-top10|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
aircrack-ng                    - wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities
burpsuite                      - platform for security testing of web applications
hydra                          - very fast network logon cracker
john                           - active password cracking tool
maltego                        - Open source intelligence and forensics application
maltego-teeth                  - Set of offensive Maltego transforms
metasploit                     - Penetration testing and exploit development tool with web-based interface
metasploit-framework           - Framework for exploit development and vulnerability research
nmap                           - The Network Mapper
zaproxy                        - Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications.
sqlmap                         - automatic SQL injection tool
wireshark                      - network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version


apt-cache depends kali-linux-forensic|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
afflib-tools                   - support for Advanced Forensics format (utilities)
apktool                        - A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
autopsy                        - graphical interface to SleuthKit
bulk-extractor                 - Extracts information without parsing filesystem
cabextract                     - Microsoft Cabinet file unpacker
capstone                       - Multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
chkrootkit                     - rootkit detector
creddump                       - Extracts credentials from Windows registry hives
cuckoo                         - Automated malware analysis system
dc3dd                          - patched version of GNU dd with forensic features
dcfldd                         - enhanced version of dd for forensics and security
ddrescue                       - Copies data from one file or block device to another.
dff                            - Powerful, efficient and modular digital forensic framework
dissy                          - graphical frontend for objdump
distorm3                       - Powerful Disassembler Library For x86/AMD64
dumpzilla                      - Mozilla browser forensic tool
edb-debugger                   - Linux equivalent of OllyDbg
ewf-tools                      - collection of tools for reading and writing EWF files
exiv2                          - EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation tool
extundelete                    - utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition
fcrackzip                      - password cracker for zip archives
firmware-mod-kit               - Deconstruct and reconstruct firmware images
flasm                          - assembler and disassembler for Flash (SWF) bytecode
foremost                       - forensic program to recover lost files
galleta                        - An Internet Explorer cookie forensic analysis tool
gdb                            - GNU Debugger
gparted                        - GNOME partition editor
guymager                       - Forensic imaging tool based on Qt
inetsim                        - Software suite for simulating common internet services
iphone-backup-analyzer         - iPhone backup decoder and analyzer
jad                            - Java decompiler
javasnoop                      - Intercept Java applications locally
libewf1                        - library with support for Expert Witness Compression Format
libhivex-bin                   - utilities for reading and writing Windows Registry hives
lvm2                           - Linux Logical Volume Manager
lynis                          - security auditing tool for Unix based systems
magicrescue                    - recovers files by looking for magic bytes
md5deep                        - Recursively compute hashsums or piecewise hashings
mdbtools                       - JET / MS Access database (MDB) tools
memdump                        - utility to dump memory contents to standard output
missidentify                   - a program to find win32 applications
nasm                           - General-purpose x86 assembler
ollydbg                        - 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger
p7zip-full                     - 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio
parted                         - disk partition manipulator
pasco                          - An Internet Explorer cache forensic analysis tool
pdfid                          - Scans PDF files for certain PDF keywords
pdf-parser                     - Parses PDF files to identify fundamental elements
pdgmail                        - Extracts gmail artifacts from a pd dump
peepdf                         - PDF analysis tool
pev                            - text-based tool to analyze PE files
polenum                        - Extracts the password policy from a Windows system
radare2                        - free and advanced command line hexadecimal editor
rdd                            - a forensic copy program
readpst                        - Converts Outlook PST files to mbox and others
recoverjpeg                    - tool to recover JPEG images from a filesystem image
reglookup                      - utility to read and query Windows NT/2000/XP registry
regripper                      - Windows registry forensics tool
rifiuti                        - A MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool
rifiuti2                       - A MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool
safecopy                       - Copy utility ignoring errors
samdump2                       - Dump Windows 2k/NT/XP password hashes
scalpel                        - A Frugal, High Performance File Carver
scrounge-ntfs                  - Data recovery program for NTFS filesystems
sleuthkit                      - collection of tools for forensics analysis on volume and file system data
smali                          - Assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format
sqlitebrowser                  - GUI editor for SQLite databases
tcpdump                        - command-line network traffic analyzer
tcpflow                        - TCP flow recorder
tcpick                         - TCP stream sniffer and connection tracker
tcpreplay                      - Tool to replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds
truecrack                      - Bruteforce password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes.
truecrypt                      - Cross-platform on-the-fly encryption
unrar                          - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)
upx-ucl                        - efficient live-compressor for executables
vinetto                        - A forensics tool to examine Thumbs.db files
volafox                        - Memory analyzer for Mac OS X & BSD
volatility                     - advanced memory forensics framework
wce                            - Windows Credentials Editor
wireshark                      - network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version
xplico                         - Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT)


apt-cache depends kali-linux-gpu|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
oclhashcat                     - GPU password cracker
pyrit                          - GPGPU-driven WPA/WPA2-PSK key cracker
multiforcer                    - GPU accelerated password cracking tool
oclgausscrack                  - Cracks verification hashes of the Gauss Virus
truecrack                      - Bruteforce password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes.


apt-cache depends kali-linux-pwtools|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
kali-linux-gpu                 - Kali Linux GPU tools
chntpw                         - NT SAM password recovery utility
cmospwd                        - decrypt BIOS passwords from CMOS
crunch                         - Password wordlist generator
dbpwaudit                      - Does online password audits of DB engines
fcrackzip                      - password cracker for zip archives
findmyhash                     - Crack hashes with online services
gpp-decrypt                    - Group Policy Preferences decrypter
hash-identifier                - Tool to identify hash types
hashcat                        - World’s fastest CPU-based password recovery tool
hashcat-utils                  - Set of small utilities for advanced password cracking
hydra                          - very fast network logon cracker
hydra-gtk                      - very fast network logon cracker - GTK+ based GUI
john                           - active password cracking tool
johnny                         - GUI for John the Ripper
keimpx                         - Check for valid credentials across a network over SMB
maskprocessor                  - High-performance word generator
medusa                         - fast, parallel, modular, login brute-forcer for network services
mimikatz                       - Uses admin rights on Windows to display passwords in plaintext
ncrack                         - High-speed network authentication cracking tool
ophcrack                       - Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables (gui)
ophcrack-cli                   - Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables (cmdline)
pack                           - Password analysis and cracking kit
passing-the-hash               - Patched tools to use password hashes as authentication input
patator                        - Multi-purpose brute-forcer
phrasendrescher                - Passphrase cracking tool
pipal                          - Statistical analysis on password dumps
polenum                        - Extracts the password policy from a Windows system
rainbowcrack                   - Rainbow table password cracker
rcracki-mt                     - Version of rcrack that supports hybrid and indexed tables
rsmangler                      - Wordlist mangling tool
samdump2                       - Dump Windows 2k/NT/XP password hashes
seclists                       - Collection of multiple types of security lists
sipcrack                       - SIP login dumper/cracker
sipvicious                     - Tools for auditing SIP based VoIP systems
sqldict                        - Dictionary attack tool for SQL Server
statsprocessor                 - High-performance word-generator
sucrack                        - multithreaded su bruteforcer
thc-pptp-bruter                - THC PPTP Brute Force
truecrack                      - Bruteforce password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes.
twofi                          - Twitter words of interest
wce                            - Windows Credentials Editor
wordlists                      - Contains the rockyou wordlist


apt-cache depends kali-linux-rfid|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
libfreefare-bin                - MIFARE card manipulations binaries
libnfc-bin                     - Near Field Communication (NFC) binaries
mfcuk                          - MFCUK - MiFare Classic Universal toolKit
mfoc                           - MIFARE Classic offline cracker
mfterm                         - Terminal for working with Mifare Classic 1-4k Tags
python-rfidiot                 - Python library to explore RFID devices


apt-cache depends kali-linux-sdr|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
gnuradio                       - GNU Radio Software Radio Toolkit
chirp                          - Configuration tool for amateur radios
hackrf-tools                   - Hardware driver and tools for HackRF Jawbreaker
kalibrate-rtl                  - Calculate local oscillator frequency offset using GSM base stations
rtlsdr-scanner                 - Python frequency scanning GUI for the OsmoSDR rtl-sdr library
gr-scan                        - Scans a range of frequencies and prints a list of discovered signals
gqrx                           - Software defined radio receiver powered by GNU Radio
multimon-ng                    - Digital radio transmission decoder
uhd-host                       - universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products
uhd-images                     - Various UHD Images
libgnuradio-grextras           - Advanced GNU Radio Blocks
libgnuradio-baz                - gnuradio new functionality blocks
libgnuradio-osmosdr            - GNU Radio osmosdr block
libgnuradio-osmosdr-apps       - GNU Radio osmosdr applications
libgnuradio-iqbalance          - I/Q balancing block


apt-cache depends kali-linux-voip|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
ace-voip                       - A simple VoIP corporate directory enumeration tool
dnmap                          - Distributed nmap framework
enumiax                        - IAX protocol username enumerator
iaxflood                       - VoIP flooder tool
inviteflood                    - SIP/SDP INVITE message flooding over UDP/IP
libfindrtp                     - Library required by multiple VoIP tools
nmap                           - The Network Mapper
ohrwurm                        - RTP fuzzer
pjproject                      - A multimedia communication library for SIP
protos-sip                     - SIP test suite
rtpbreak                       - Detects, reconstructs, and analyzes RTP sessions
rtpflood                       - Tool to flood any RTP device
rtpinsertsound                 - Inserts audio into a specified stream
rtpmixsound                    - Mixes pre-recorded audio in real-time
sctpscan                       - SCTP network scanner for discovery and security
siparmyknife                   - SIP fuzzing tool
sipcrack                       - SIP login dumper/cracker
sipp                           - Traffic generator for the SIP protocol
sipvicious                     - Tools for auditing SIP based VoIP systems
voiphopper                     - Runs a VLAN hop security test
wireshark                      - network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version


apt-cache depends kali-linux-web|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
apache2                        - Apache HTTP Server
apache2-mpm-event              - transitional event MPM package for apache2
apache2-mpm-itk                - transitional itk MPM package for apache2
apache2-mpm-prefork            - transitional prefork MPM package for apache2
apache2-mpm-worker             - transitional worker MPM package for apache2
apache-users                   - Enumerate usernames on systems with Apache UserDir module
arachni                        - Web Application Security Scanner Framework
automater                      - A IP and URL analysis tool.
bbqsql                         - SQL Injection Exploitation Tool
beef-xss                       - Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
blindelephant                  - A generic web application fingerprinter
burpsuite                      - platform for security testing of web applications
cadaver                        - command-line WebDAV client
clusterd                       - Application server attack toolkit
cookie-cadger                  - Cookie auditing tool for wired and wireless networks
cutycapt                       - utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page
davtest                        - Testing tool for WebDAV servers
dbpwaudit                      - Does online password audits of DB engines
dirb                           - URL bruteforcing tool
dirbuster                      - Web server directory brute-forcer
dnmap                          - Distributed nmap framework
dotdotpwn                      - DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer.
eyewitness                     - Rapid web application triage tool
fimap                          - LFI and RFI exploitation tool
ftester                        - The Firewall Tester (FTester) is a tool designed for testing firewall filtering policies and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) capabilities.
funkload                       - web testing tool
golismero                      - Web application mapper
grabber                        - Web application vulnerability scanner
hamster-sidejack               - Sidejacking tool
hexorbase                      - Multiple database management and audit application
http-tunnel                    - Tunneling software to tunnel through restrictive HTTP proxies
httprint                       - Web server fingerprinting tool
hydra                          - very fast network logon cracker
hydra-gtk                      - very fast network logon cracker - GTK+ based GUI
ikat                           - Interactive Kiosk Attack Tool
inundator                      - Multi-threaded IDS false positive generator
jboss-autopwn                  - JBoss script for obtaining remote shell access
jd-gui                         - GUI Java .class decompiler
joomscan                       - OWASP Joomla Vulnerability Scanner Project
jsql                           - Java tool for automatic database injection
laudanum                       - Collection of injectable web files
lbd                            - Load balancer detector
maltego                        - Open source intelligence and forensics application
maltego-teeth                  - Set of offensive Maltego transforms
medusa                         - fast, parallel, modular, login brute-forcer for network services
mitmproxy                      - SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy
mysql-server                   - MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version)
ncrack                         - High-speed network authentication cracking tool
nikto                          - web server security scanner
nmap                           - The Network Mapper
oscanner                       - Oracle assessment framework
owasp-mantra-ff                - Web application security testing framework built on top of Firefox
padbuster                      - Script for performing Padding Oracle attacks
paros                          - Web application proxy
patator                        - Multi-purpose brute-forcer
php5                           - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage)
php5-mysql                     - MySQL module for php5
plecost                        - Wordpress fingerprinting tool
powerfuzzer                    - Highly automated and fully customizable web fuzzer
proxychains                    - proxy chains - redirect connections through proxy servers
proxystrike                    - Active web application proxy
proxytunnel                    - Create tcp tunnels trough HTTPS proxies, for using with SSH
ratproxy                       - passive web application security assessment tool
recon-ng                       - Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python
redsocks                       - arbitrary TCP connection redirector to a SOCKS or HTTPS proxy server
sidguesser                     - Guesses sids against an Oracle database
siege                          - HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility
skipfish                       - fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool
sqldict                        - Dictionary attack tool for SQL Server
sqlitebrowser                  - GUI editor for SQLite databases
sqlmap                         - automatic SQL injection tool
sqlninja                       - SQL server injection and takeover tool
sqlsus                         - MySQL injection tool
sslcaudit                      - Tests SSL/TLS clients susceptibility to MITM attacks
ssldump                        - An SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
sslh                           - ssl/ssh multiplexer
sslscan                        - Fast SSL scanner
sslsniff                       - SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle attack tool
sslstrip                       - SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle attack tool
sslsplit                       - Transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception
sslyze                         - Fast and full-featured SSL scanner
stunnel4                       - Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons
thc-ssl-dos                    - Stress tester for the SSL handshake
tlssled                        - Evaluates the security of a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) server
tnscmd10g                      - Tool to prod the oracle tnslsnr process
ua-tester                      - User agent string tester
uniscan                        - LFI, RFI, and RCE vulnerability scanner
vega                           - Platform to test the security of web applications
waffit                         - WAF auditing tool
wapiti                         - web application vulnerability scanner
webacoo                        - Web backdoor cookie script kit
webhandler                     - Bash simulator to control a server using PHP system functions
webscarab                      - Web application review tool
webshag                        - Multi-threaded web server audit tool
webshells                      - Collection of webshells
webslayer                      - Web application bruteforcer
websploit                      - Web exploitation framework
weevely                        - Stealth tiny web shell
wfuzz                          - Web application bruteforcer
whatweb                        - Next generation web scanner
wireshark                      - network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version
wpscan                         - Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner
xsser                          - XSS testing framework
zaproxy                        - Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications.


apt-cache depends kali-linux-wireless|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
kali-linux-sdr                 - Kali Linux SDR tools
aircrack-ng                    - wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities
pyrit                          - GPGPU-driven WPA/WPA2-PSK key cracker
asleap                         - A tool for exploiting Cisco LEAP networks
bluelog                        - Bluetooth scanner and logger
bluemaho                       - GUI interface for testing Bluetooth devices
bluepot                        - Bluetooth honeypot
blueranger                     - Simple Bash script to locate Bluetooth devices
bluesnarfer                    - A Bluesnarfing Utility
bluez                          - Bluetooth tools and daemons
bluez-hcidump                  - Analyses Bluetooth HCI packets
btscanner                      - ncurses-based scanner for Bluetooth devices
bully                          - Bully is a new implementation of the WPS brute force attack, written in C.
cowpatty                       - Brute-force WPA dictionary attack
crackle                        - Crack and decrypt BLE encryption
eapmd5pass                     - Tool for extracting and cracking EAP-MD5
fern-wifi-cracker              - Automated wifi cracker
giskismet                      - Wireless recon visualization tool
iw                             - tool for configuring Linux wireless devices
killerbee                      - Framwork for ZigBee exploitation
kismet                         - wireless sniffer and monitor - core
libfreefare-bin                - MIFARE card manipulations binaries
libnfc-bin                     - Near Field Communication (NFC) binaries
macchanger                     - utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
mdk3                           - Wireless attack tool for IEEE 802.11 networks
mfcuk                          - MFCUK - MiFare Classic Universal toolKit
mfoc                           - MIFARE Classic offline cracker
mfterm                         - Terminal for working with Mifare Classic 1-4k Tags
oclhashcat                     - GPU password cracker
python-rfidiot                 - Python library to explore RFID devices
reaver                         - brute force attack tool against Wifi Protected Setup PIN number
redfang                        - Locates non-discoverable bluetooth devices
rfcat                          - The swiss army knife of sub-GHz radio.
rfkill                         - tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices
sakis3g                        - Tool for establishing 3G connections
spectools                      - Utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardware
spooftooph                     - Automates spoofing or cloning Bluetooth devices
ubertooth                      - An open source 2.4 GHz wireless development platform.
wifi-honey                     - Wi-Fi honeypot
wifitap                        - WiFi injection via a tun/tap device
wifite                         - Python script to automate wireless auditing using aircrack-ng tools
wireshark                      - network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version


apt-cache depends kali-linux-full|awk '/Depends:/{print $2}'|xargs -n 1 -I XX apt-cache search -n ^XX$|awk '{n=$1;$1="";printf ("%-30s%s\n",n,$0)}'
kali-linux                     - Kali Linux base system
kali-linux-sdr                 - Kali Linux SDR tools
0trace                         - A traceroute tool that can run within an existing TCP connection.
acccheck                       - Password dictionary attack tool for SMB
ace-voip                       - A simple VoIP corporate directory enumeration tool
afflib-tools                   - support for Advanced Forensics format (utilities)
aircrack-ng                    - wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities
amap                           - next-generation scanning tool for pentesters
apache-users                   - Enumerate usernames on systems with Apache UserDir module
apktool                        - A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
arduino                        - AVR development board IDE and built-in libraries
arping                         - sends IP and/or ARP pings (to the MAC address)
arpwatch                       - Ethernet/FDDI station activity monitor
arp-scan                       - arp scanning and fingerprinting tool
asleap                         - A tool for exploiting Cisco LEAP networks
automater                      - A IP and URL analysis tool.
autopsy                        - graphical interface to SleuthKit
bbqsql                         - SQL Injection Exploitation Tool
bed                            - A network protocol fuzzer
beef-xss                       - Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF)
binwalk                        - tool for searching binary images for embedded files and executable code
blindelephant                  - A generic web application fingerprinter
bluelog                        - Bluetooth scanner and logger
bluemaho                       - GUI interface for testing Bluetooth devices
bluepot                        - Bluetooth honeypot
blueranger                     - Simple Bash script to locate Bluetooth devices
bluesnarfer                    - A Bluesnarfing Utility
bluez                          - Bluetooth tools and daemons
bluez-hcidump                  - Analyses Bluetooth HCI packets
braa                           - Mass SNMP scanner
btscanner                      - ncurses-based scanner for Bluetooth devices
bully                          - Bully is a new implementation of the WPS brute force attack, written in C.
bulk-extractor                 - Extracts information without parsing filesystem
burpsuite                      - platform for security testing of web applications
cabextract                     - Microsoft Cabinet file unpacker
cadaver                        - command-line WebDAV client
casefile                       - Offline intelligence tool
cdpsnarf                       - Network sniffer to extract CDP information
cewl                           - Custom wordlist generator
cgpt                           - GPT manipulation tool with support for Chromium OS extensions
chirp                          - Configuration tool for amateur radios
chkrootkit                     - rootkit detector
chntpw                         - NT SAM password recovery utility
cisco-auditing-tool            - Scans Cisco routers for vulnerabilities
cisco-global-exploiter         - Simple and fast Cisco exploitation tool
cisco-ocs                      - Mass Cisco scanner
cisco-torch                    - Cisco device scanner
clang                          - C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based)
cmospwd                        - decrypt BIOS passwords from CMOS
copy-router-config             - Copies Cisco configs via SNMP
cowpatty                       - Brute-force WPA dictionary attack
creddump                       - Extracts credentials from Windows registry hives
creepy                         - geolocation information aggregator
cryptsetup                     - disk encryption support - startup scripts
crunch                         - Password wordlist generator
cryptcat                       - A lightweight version netcat extended with twofish encryption
curlftpfs                      - filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FUSE and cURL
cutycapt                       - utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page
cymothoa                       - Stealth backdooring tool
darkstat                       - network traffic analyzer
davtest                        - Testing tool for WebDAV servers
dbd                            - Netcat clone with encryption
dbpwaudit                      - Does online password audits of DB engines
dc3dd                          - patched version of GNU dd with forensic features
dcfldd                         - enhanced version of dd for forensics and security
ddrescue                       - Copies data from one file or block device to another.
deblaze                        - Performs testing against flash remoting endpoints
dex2jar                        - Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files
dff                            - Powerful, efficient and modular digital forensic framework
dhcpig                         - DHCP exhaustion script
dirb                           - URL bruteforcing tool
dirbuster                      - Web server directory brute-forcer
dissy                          - graphical frontend for objdump
dmitry                         - Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool
dnmap                          - Distributed nmap framework
dns2tcp                        - TCP over DNS tunnel client and server
dnschef                        - DNS proxy for penetration testers
dnsenum                        - Tool to enumerate domain DNS information
dnsmap                         - DNS domain name brute forcing tool
dnsrecon                       - A powerful DNS enumeration script
dnstracer                      - trace DNS queries to the source
dnswalk                        - Checks dns zone information using nameserver lookups
dos2unix                       - convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF
dotdotpwn                      - DotDotPwn - The Directory Traversal Fuzzer.
dradis                         - Collaboration tools for penetration testing
driftnet                       - picks out and displays images from network traffic
dsniff                         - Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities
dumpzilla                      - Mozilla browser forensic tool
eapmd5pass                     - Tool for extracting and cracking EAP-MD5
edb-debugger                   - Linux equivalent of OllyDbg
enum4linux                     - Enumerates info from Windows and Samba systems
enumiax                        - IAX protocol username enumerator
ethtool                        - display or change Ethernet device settings
ettercap-graphical             - Ettercap GUI-enabled executable
ewf-tools                      - collection of tools for reading and writing EWF files
exiv2                          - EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation tool
exploitdb                      - Searchable Exploit Database archive
extundelete                    - utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition
fcrackzip                      - password cracker for zip archives
fern-wifi-cracker              - Automated wifi cracker
fierce                         - Domain DNS scanner
fiked                          - Cisco VPN attack tool
fimap                          - LFI and RFI exploitation tool
findmyhash                     - Crack hashes with online services
flasm                          - assembler and disassembler for Flash (SWF) bytecode
foremost                       - forensic program to recover lost files
fping                          - sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
fragroute                      - Test a NIDS by attempting to evade using fragmented packets
fragrouter                     - IDS evasion toolkit
framework2                     - Metasploit Framework 2
ftester                        - The Firewall Tester (FTester) is a tool designed for testing firewall filtering policies and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) capabilities.
funkload                       - web testing tool
galleta                        - An Internet Explorer cookie forensic analysis tool
gdb                            - GNU Debugger
ghost-phisher                  - GUI suite for phishing and penetration attacks
giskismet                      - Wireless recon visualization tool
golismero                      - Web application mapper
goofile                        - Command line filetype search
gpp-decrypt                    - Group Policy Preferences decrypter
grabber                        - Web application vulnerability scanner
guymager                       - Forensic imaging tool based on Qt
hackrf-tools                   - Hardware driver and tools for HackRF Jawbreaker
hamster-sidejack               - Sidejacking tool
hash-identifier                - Tool to identify hash types
hashcat                        - World’s fastest CPU-based password recovery tool
hashcat-utils                  - Set of small utilities for advanced password cracking
hexinject                      - Versatile packet injector and sniffer
hexorbase                      - Multiple database management and audit application
hotpatch                       - Hot patches Linux executables with .so file injection
hping3                         - Active Network Smashing Tool
hydra                          - very fast network logon cracker
hydra-gtk                      - very fast network logon cracker - GTK+ based GUI
i2c-tools                      - heterogeneous set of I2C tools for Linux
iaxflood                       - VoIP flooder tool
ifenslave                      - configure network interfaces for parallel routing (bonding)
ifenslave-2.6                  - Attach and detach slave interfaces to a bonding device
ikat                           - Interactive Kiosk Attack Tool
ike-scan                       - discover and fingerprint IKE hosts (IPsec VPN Servers)
inetsim                        - Software suite for simulating common internet services
intersect                      - Post-exploitation framework
intrace                        - Traceroute-like application piggybacking on existing TCP connections
inundator                      - Multi-threaded IDS false positive generator
inviteflood                    - SIP/SDP INVITE message flooding over UDP/IP
iodine                         - tool for tunneling IPv4 data through a DNS server
irpas                          - Internetwork Routing Protocol Attack Suite
isr-evilgrade                  - Evilgrade framework
jad                            - Java decompiler
javasnoop                      - Intercept Java applications locally
jboss-autopwn                  - JBoss script for obtaining remote shell access
john                           - active password cracking tool
johnny                         - GUI for John the Ripper
joomscan                       - OWASP Joomla Vulnerability Scanner Project
jsql                           - Java tool for automatic database injection
keepnote                       - cross-platform note-taking and organization application
keimpx                         - Check for valid credentials across a network over SMB
killerbee                      - Framwork for ZigBee exploitation
kismet                         - wireless sniffer and monitor - core
laudanum                       - Collection of injectable web files
lbd                            - Load balancer detector
leafpad                        - GTK+ based simple text editor
libcrafter                     - Library to generate and sniff network packets
libewf1                        - library with support for Expert Witness Compression Format
libfindrtp                     - Library required by multiple VoIP tools
libfreefare-bin                - MIFARE card manipulations binaries
libhivex-bin                   - utilities for reading and writing Windows Registry hives
libnfc-bin                     - Near Field Communication (NFC) binaries
lynis                          - security auditing tool for Unix based systems
macchanger                     - utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces
magicrescue                    - recovers files by looking for magic bytes
magictree                      - Penetration tester productivity tool
maltego                        - Open source intelligence and forensics application
maltego-teeth                  - Set of offensive Maltego transforms
maskprocessor                  - High-performance word generator
mc                             - Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager
md5deep                        - Recursively compute hashsums or piecewise hashings
mdbtools                       - JET / MS Access database (MDB) tools
mdk3                           - Wireless attack tool for IEEE 802.11 networks
medusa                         - fast, parallel, modular, login brute-forcer for network services
memdump                        - utility to dump memory contents to standard output
metagoofil                     - Tool designed for extracting metadata of public documents
metasploit                     - Penetration testing and exploit development tool with web-based interface
metasploit-framework           - Framework for exploit development and vulnerability research
armitage                       - Cyber attack management for Metasploit
mfcuk                          - MFCUK - MiFare Classic Universal toolKit
mfoc                           - MIFARE Classic offline cracker
mfterm                         - Terminal for working with Mifare Classic 1-4k Tags
mimikatz                       - Uses admin rights on Windows to display passwords in plaintext
minicom                        - friendly menu driven serial communication program
miranda                        - UPNP administration tool
miredo                         - Teredo IPv6 tunneling through NATs
missidentify                   - a program to find win32 applications
mitmproxy                      - SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy
multiforcer                    - GPU accelerated password cracking tool
multimac                       - Create multiple MACs on an adapter
nasm                           - General-purpose x86 assembler
nbtscan                        - A program for scanning networks for NetBIOS name information
ncat-w32                       - Netcat for the 21st century
ncrack                         - High-speed network authentication cracking tool
ncurses-hexedit                - Edit files/disks in hex, ASCII and EBCDIC
netdiscover                    - active/passive network address scanner using arp requests
netmask                        - helps determine network masks
netsed                         - network packet-altering stream editor
netsniff-ng                    - packet sniffing beast
netwag                         - graphical frontend for netwox
nfspy                          - ID-spoofing NFS client
ngrep                          - grep for network traffic
nikto                          - web server security scanner
nipper-ng                      - Device security configuration review tool
nmap                           - The Network Mapper
ohrwurm                        - RTP fuzzer
ollydbg                        - 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger
onesixtyone                    - fast and simple SNMP scanner
openvas                        - Openvas dummy package.
ophcrack                       - Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables (gui)
ophcrack-cli                   - Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables (cmdline)
oscanner                       - Oracle assessment framework
p0f                            - Passive OS fingerprinting tool
pack                           - Password analysis and cracking kit
padbuster                      - Script for performing Padding Oracle attacks
paros                          - Web application proxy
pasco                          - An Internet Explorer cache forensic analysis tool
passing-the-hash               - Patched tools to use password hashes as authentication input
patator                        - Multi-purpose brute-forcer
pdfid                          - Scans PDF files for certain PDF keywords
pdf-parser                     - Parses PDF files to identify fundamental elements
pdgmail                        - Extracts gmail artifacts from a pd dump
peepdf                         - PDF analysis tool
perl-cisco-copyconfig          - Provides methods for manipulating Cisco devices
pev                            - text-based tool to analyze PE files
phrasendrescher                - Passphrase cracking tool
pipal                          - Statistical analysis on password dumps
pjproject                      - A multimedia communication library for SIP
plecost                        - Wordpress fingerprinting tool
polenum                        - Extracts the password policy from a Windows system
powerfuzzer                    - Highly automated and fully customizable web fuzzer
powersploit                    - PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework
protos-sip                     - SIP test suite
proxychains                    - proxy chains - redirect connections through proxy servers
proxystrike                    - Active web application proxy
proxytunnel                    - Create tcp tunnels trough HTTPS proxies, for using with SSH
ptunnel                        - Tunnel TCP connections over ICMP packets
pwnat                          - NAT to NAT client-server communication
pyrit                          - GPGPU-driven WPA/WPA2-PSK key cracker
python-impacket                - Python module to easily build and dissect network protocols
python-impacket-doc            - Python module to easily build and dissect network protocols
python-rfidiot                 - Python library to explore RFID devices
python-scapy                   - Packet generator/sniffer and network scanner/discovery
rainbowcrack                   - Rainbow table password cracker
radare2                        - free and advanced command line hexadecimal editor
rake                           - ruby make-like utility
ratproxy                       - passive web application security assessment tool
rcracki-mt                     - Version of rcrack that supports hybrid and indexed tables
rdd                            - a forensic copy program
readpst                        - Converts Outlook PST files to mbox and others
reaver                         - brute force attack tool against Wifi Protected Setup PIN number
rebind                         - DNS rebinding tool
recon-ng                       - Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python
recordmydesktop                - Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session
recoverjpeg                    - tool to recover JPEG images from a filesystem image
redfang                        - Locates non-discoverable bluetooth devices
redsocks                       - arbitrary TCP connection redirector to a SOCKS or HTTPS proxy server
reglookup                      - utility to read and query Windows NT/2000/XP registry
regripper                      - Windows registry forensics tool
responder                      - NBT-NS/LLMNR Responder
rifiuti                        - A MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool
rifiuti2                       - A MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool
rsmangler                      - Wordlist mangling tool
rtpbreak                       - Detects, reconstructs, and analyzes RTP sessions
rtpflood                       - Tool to flood any RTP device
rtpinsertsound                 - Inserts audio into a specified stream
rtpmixsound                    - Mixes pre-recorded audio in real-time
safecopy                       - Copy utility ignoring errors
sakis3g                        - Tool for establishing 3G connections
samdump2                       - Dump Windows 2k/NT/XP password hashes
sbd                            - Secure backdoor for linux and windows
scalpel                        - A Frugal, High Performance File Carver
scrounge-ntfs                  - Data recovery program for NTFS filesystems
sctpscan                       - SCTP network scanner for discovery and security
sendemail                      - lightweight, command line SMTP email client
set                            - Social-Engineer Toolkit
sfuzz                          - Black Box testing utilities
sidguesser                     - Guesses sids against an Oracle database
siege                          - HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility
siparmyknife                   - SIP fuzzing tool
sipcrack                       - SIP login dumper/cracker
sipp                           - Traffic generator for the SIP protocol
sipvicious                     - Tools for auditing SIP based VoIP systems
skipfish                       - fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool
sleuthkit                      - collection of tools for forensics analysis on volume and file system data
smali                          - Assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format
smtp-user-enum                 - Username guessing tool primarily for the SMTP service.
sniffjoke                      - Transparent TCP connection scrambler
snmpcheck                      - SNMP service enumeration tool
socat                          - multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer
spectools                      - Utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardware
spidermonkey-bin               - standalone JavaScript/ECMAScript (ECMA-262) interpreter
spike                          - Network protocol fuzzer
spooftooph                     - Automates spoofing or cloning Bluetooth devices
sqldict                        - Dictionary attack tool for SQL Server
sqlitebrowser                  - GUI editor for SQLite databases
sqlmap                         - automatic SQL injection tool
sqlninja                       - SQL server injection and takeover tool
sqlsus                         - MySQL injection tool
sslcaudit                      - Tests SSL/TLS clients susceptibility to MITM attacks
ssldump                        - An SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
sslh                           - ssl/ssh multiplexer
sslscan                        - Fast SSL scanner
sslsniff                       - SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle attack tool
sslstrip                       - SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle attack tool
sslsplit                       - Transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception
sslyze                         - Fast and full-featured SSL scanner
statsprocessor                 - High-performance word-generator
stunnel4                       - Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons
suckless-tools                 - simple commands for minimalistic window managers
sucrack                        - multithreaded su bruteforcer
swaks                          - SMTP command-line test tool
t50                            - Multi-protocol packet injector tool
tcpflow                        - TCP flow recorder
tcpick                         - TCP stream sniffer and connection tracker
tcpreplay                      - Tool to replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds
termineter                     - Smart meter testing framework
tftpd32                        - Open source ipv6-ready TFTP server for Windows
thc-ipv6                       - The Hacker Choice's IPv6 Attack Toolkit
thc-pptp-bruter                - THC PPTP Brute Force
thc-ssl-dos                    - Stress tester for the SSL handshake
theharvester                   - theHarvester is a tool for gathering e-mail accounts and subdomain names from public sources.
tlssled                        - Evaluates the security of a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) server
tnscmd10g                      - Tool to prod the oracle tnslsnr process
truecrack                      - Bruteforce password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes.
truecrypt                      - Cross-platform on-the-fly encryption
twofi                          - Twitter words of interest
u3-pwn                         - Injects executables onto U3 USB devices
ua-tester                      - User agent string tester
udptunnel                      - tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
unetbootin                     - installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive
uniscan                        - LFI, RFI, and RCE vulnerability scanner
unicornscan                    - Userland distributed TCP/IP stack
unix-privesc-check             - Script to check for simple privilege escalation vectors
urlcrazy                       - Domain typo generator
vboot-kernel-utils             - Chrome OS verified boot utils required to sign kernels
vboot-utils                    - Chrome OS verified boot utils
vega                           - Platform to test the security of web applications
vim-gtk                        - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI
vinetto                        - A forensics tool to examine Thumbs.db files
vlan                           - user mode programs to enable VLANs on your ethernet devices
voiphopper                     - Runs a VLAN hop security test
volafox                        - Memory analyzer for Mac OS X & BSD
volatility                     - advanced memory forensics framework
vpnc                           - Cisco-compatible VPN client
w3af                           - framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities
waffit                         - WAF auditing tool
wapiti                         - web application vulnerability scanner
wce                            - Windows Credentials Editor
webacoo                        - Web backdoor cookie script kit
webscarab                      - Web application review tool
webshag                        - Multi-threaded web server audit tool
webshells                      - Collection of webshells
webslayer                      - Web application bruteforcer
websploit                      - Web exploitation framework
weevely                        - Stealth tiny web shell
winexe                         - Remote Windows-command executor
wfuzz                          - Web application bruteforcer
whatweb                        - Next generation web scanner
wifi-honey                     - Wi-Fi honeypot
wifitap                        - WiFi injection via a tun/tap device
wifite                         - Python script to automate wireless auditing using aircrack-ng tools
windows-binaries               - Various pentesting Windows binaries
wireshark                      - network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version
wol-e                          - Wake on LAN Explorer
wordlists                      - Contains the rockyou wordlist
wpscan                         - Black box WordPress vulnerability scanner
wvdial                         - intelligent Point-to-Point Protocol dialer
xpdf                           - Portable Document Format (PDF) reader
xprobe                         - Remote OS identification
xspy                           - X server sniffer
xsser                          - XSS testing framework
xtightvncviewer                - virtual network computing client software for X
yersinia                       - Network vulnerabilities check software
zaproxy                        - Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications.
zenmap                         - The Network Mapper Front End
zim                            - graphical text editor based on wiki technologies


apt-get install cryptsetup/kali cryptsetup-bin/kali libcryptsetup4/kali

If initrd was not rebuilt in the process:

dpkg-reconfigure cryptsetup